Poster image for the exhibition, photo montage with textiles, wood and metal

Exam exhibition addresses ongoing societal development


On April 22, students from the Masters Programme in Applied Arts and Design at HDK-Valand open their exam exhibition at Steneby Konsthall in Dals Låned. The exhibition includs the exam work by students from Metal Art, Textile-Body-Space and Wood Oriented Furniture Design. The projects, however individual and intimate, are closely related to ongoing societal development. Issues concerning ecology, social equality and production are examined and reflected in the work of the students.

The work is representative of two years studio based investigative studies and addresses a broad range of questions such as materiality and physicality, the traditional craft in relation to furniture design, notions of beauty in danger, how hand-woven clothing can connect us, how the assembly of knock-down furniture can work to enhance our personal experiences, how textile installations and costumes inspired by the nature of Dalsland and its tradition of folklore can stress the role of the forest in our lives today.

The program is an international education and students with various nationalities participate. Even if the projects are developed on an individual basis, the students collaborate and support each other throughout the education. The result is a dynamic view on issues and topics which are general in one aspect, but reflected on a personal level.

The audience is invited to the Steneby Konstall, under current restrictions, a maximum of ten people will be able to stay in the rooms at the same time.

Exhibitors include: 

Nicolas Girerd-BarclayWood Oriented Furniture Design, Swedish Wooden Boats, and Where they’re Going

“The project aims to investigate, analyze, and contextualize the rich historical and traditional craft of wooden boat design in Sweden.”

Fanny Hulebäck, Textile-Body-Space, ÅRSGÅNG //A journey through the forests of Dalsland

“During the project period I explored tales and myths in relation to the wheel of the year with the mindset that life is circular.”

Oskar Jacobsen, Wood Oriented Furniture Design, Invoking Labor Of Love 

“I suggest that exerting effort into the assembly of knock-down furniture can work to enhance our personal experiences with them.”

Luisa ReckerTextile-Body-Space, Wild Things: A Collection of Handwoven Couture

“The aim is to create clothes that connect us with life and nature and make us feel that we are part of a vibrant surrounding.”

Theo Rosengren, Wood Oriented Furniture Design, Sticky entanglements in human/non-human processes of making

“I wish to examine the, according to me, wrong­ful assumption of things inherent passivity and idea that humans alone are the active constituent in the meeting with materials.”

Eurika Zemaityte, Metal Art, Belladonna - Beauty in Danger

“I truly believe that the more dangerous something is, the more beautiful it is.”