Environment: Ecological and Climate Challenges
Different practices and methods in design, art and pedagogy play a prominent role in collaborative investigations focused on designing and understanding the societal challenges posed by climate change.
The theme also encompasses ideas and research on the environment as place and territory, articulating and developing new ways of visualising alternative ways of interacting between people and other agents in different ecologies and possible futures.
Tarja Karlsson Häikiö
Tarja Karlsson Häikiö is cluster leader in the research cluster Environment, Ecology and Climate Challenges. Tarja holds a PhD in Art and Visual Studies (2007) and is Professor/Doctor of Visual and Material Culture (2016/2018) at the Pedagogical Unit: Art and Crafts. Karlsson Häikiö works at HDK-Valand, School of Art and Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Gothenburg as a researcher and teacher trainer and holds the title of excellent teacher (2021).
Read more about Tarja Karlsson Häikiö

Thomas Laurien
Thomas Laurien is a Senior Lecturer in Design. His research focuses on situated relationships between humans and more-than-human beings, and how artistic methods and approaches can explore and challenge forms of representation for the more-than-human. In several projects and engagements, watery subjects are at the centre of his research and artistic practice.
Read more about Thomas Laurien

Tyrone Martinsson
Tyrone Martinsson researches the history and present of photography in relation to the environment and landscape (environmental photography). He is particularly interested in how photographic images can be used in relation to what concerns humans in relation to nature and the environment - and how our view of nature and landscape changes over time.
Read more about Tyrone Martinsson

Linda Maria Thompson
Linda Maria Thompson is a PhD student in artistic design specialising in photography. Her PhD project is about seeking new knowledge about and through artistic practice focused on representational challenges related to sites of energy extraction and environmental change.
Read more about Linda Maria Thompson

Margaretha Häggström
Margaretha Häggström's research interests are aesthetic experiences, inclusive and aesthetic teaching methods and transformative learning. These include teaching that emphasises relational pedagogy and the democratic mission of schools and education for and through sustainable development. She is also interested in visual literacy and visual rhetoric.
Read more about Margaretha Häggström