The picture shows two young girls with cell phones in their hands talking to each other.
Photo: Canva

The body, peers, and the digital sphere. Research about adolescents’ social worlds.

Health and medicine
Popular science
Society and economy

The Department of Psychology invites the public, students and staff at the university to a lecture with newly appointed Professor Carolina Lunde.

29 Feb 2024
15:00 - 16:00
Haraldsgatan 1 at Linnéplatsen, room F1 to the left on the entrance floor.

Good to know
The event is free of charge and no registration is required. However, the number of seats is limited. The event will be conducted in Swedish.
The Department of Psychology
Bilden visar föreläsaren Carolina Lunde.
Professor Carolina Lunde
Photo: Göran Olofsson

During adolescence, issues related to the body, sexuality, and peer relationships become salient for young people's development and well-being. In addition to more traditional social arenas (e.g., school), the digital sphere has become an arena where young people spend a lot of time, explore, and build relationships with others. While this presents both opportunities and challenges for young people, it is often the concerned adult view of young people's activities that dominates the public debate. In this lecture, Carolina Lunde presents some of her research, which is born out of curiosity about timely issues that are important for many young people today.