
QoG lunch seminar with Marko Klašnja


Charismatic Leaders and Democratic Backsliding

7 Mar 2024
12:00 - 13:00
Stora Skansen (room B336), Sprängkullsgatan 19

Marko Klašnja, Assistant Professor of Political Science with the joint appointment in the Government Department and the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
Good to know
The QoG institute regularly organizes seminars related to research on Quality of Government, broadly defined as trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions.

All seminars are held in English unless stated otherwise.
The Quality of Government Institute (QoG)

Authors: Marko Klašnja, James R. Hollyer and Rocio Titiunik

Abstract: Charismatic politicians pose interesting dilemmas for democratic governance. Political parties tend to benefit electorally from charismatic politicians' popularity. However, we demonstrate theoretically that parties may also pay a cost. When they become reliant on a leader's charisma, parties grow less able to sanction their behavior in office and more prone to catering to their will. We show that this is particularly likely in contexts of high ideological polarization and strong institutional foundations of democracy. This inversion of the power dynamic between parties and politicians provides more room for charismatic leaders to enact anti-democratic policies, if so inclined. We further model to what extent this link between a leader's charisma and democratic backsliding results from selection (party's acquiescence at the nomination stage) versus incentives (party's inability to discipline a sitting incumbent). We use data on leader backgrounds, party illiberalization, democratic backsliding, and autocratic reversion to illustrate the empirical plausibility of our theoretical claims.