Title of the dissertation
Engineering lmpact: Analyzing the Scientific and Technological Outcomes of Collaborative Research between Universities and Firms
Viktor Ström
Associate Professor Cornelia Lawson, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester, Great Britain
Grading committee
Professor Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas, Energy Management, Grenoble Ecole de management, France
Professor Magnus Gulbrandsen, TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo, Norway
Professor Uwe Cantner, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Chair at the defense
Visiting professor Anders Broström, Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Professor Maureen McKelvey, Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Assistant supervisors
Associate professor Ethan Gifford, Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Assistant professor Bastian Rake, Maynooth University School of Business, Ireland