
Introductory seminar: Effects of alternative marine based feed and feeding regimes on appetite, growth and intestinal health of Atlantic salmon to improve smolt quality

Science and Information Technology

Introductory seminar: PhD Student Raneesha de Fonseka, Dept of Biological and Environmental Sciences

23 Feb 2023
12:15 - 13:00
Seminar room ground floor, Zoology building Medcinaregatan 18 A + Zoom
Additional info
Zoom link

Next week’s Thursday seminar will held by Raneesha de Fonseka, who will give us an introduction to her PhD-project that focus on alternative feed and improved quality of Atlantic salmon smolt. Main supervisor is Henrik Sundh and examiner Staffan Andersson , Department of biological and environmental sciences. Co-supervisors are Lisa Jönsson Bergman and Snuttan Sundell.