
Gothenburg Epochs

Culture and languages
Society and economy

Ski jumping at Bragebacken and the energy crisis during the Second World War as the festival once again invites you to a cavalcade of images from old Göteborg

Watching movies
4 Feb 2023
12:30 - 13:55
Draken, Gothenburg

During the war years, firewood was piled on the city’s streets, and cars began to run on wood gas when it became necessary to save on resources. In addition, the increased security situation affected everyone who worked and moved in the port area.

But there won’t be only gloomy images in this year’s Göteborgsepoker. Arendalsvarvet was inaugurated with three days of festivities in 1963, bandy and figure skating were offered at Ullevi during the winter of 1917, and of course we also show pictures from the great jubilee year 1923, when Göteborg celebrated 300 years since being established.

The screening is presented in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, the Regional State Archives in Gothenburg, and the Swedish Film Institute, and is introduced by professor Mats Jönsson and archivist Karl-Magnus Johansson.