University of Gothenburg
Illustration av IPKL:s verksamhet
Photo: Illustration: Cecilia Lundgren

Strategic investments in research

Following the increase in funding for research at the Faculty of Education, major investments currently are made into research in education and health. According to the decision by the Faculty Board, the resources made available through this scheme are intended to fund a strategic programme aiming to stimulate the activities of the departments, to increase the research capacity and to strengthen the role of the departments as knowledge producing environments.

The investments were to be made in one or more of the following areas:

  • Recruitment of Ph. D. students
  • Recruitment of external post-docs or, alternatively, positions with post-doc-like work conditions
  • Recruitment of professor(s) or, alternatively, guest-professor(s)

The Department of Education, Communication and Learning received SEK 3 432 000 for the years 2020 and 2023, and SEK 6 863 000 for the years 2021 and 2022. Based on this scheme, the Department formulated a strategic programme based on the specific needs and challenges perceived.


The Department were to use the added resources (in addition to resources already available in the regular budget) in the following way:

Priority 1

  • Two Ph. D. positions for research on leisure home centres (after-school educare)
  • Two Ph. D. positions for research in the area of learning, education and ICT
  • One Ph. D. position in education

Priority 2

Time for research for senior lecturers employed at the Department: four such allocations of 50 per cent research time during three years. Three of these allocations of 50 per cent time for research will be part of externally advertised senior lectureships (with tenure).

Priority 3

Research time for senior lecturers employed at the Department (who are not yet docenter/associate professors), six allocations of periods of two months' research time

Priority 4

  • A post-doc specialising in educational research using quantitative methods 

Priority 5

Two guest-professors