
Marie Eneman


Department of Applied IT, div Informatics
Visiting address
Forskningsgången 6
417 56 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 100
412 96 Göteborg

Senior Lecturer

Department of Applied IT, div Informatics
Visiting address
Forskningsgången 6
417 56 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 100
412 96 Göteborg

About Marie Eneman

Marie Eneman, Associate Professor in Informatics

I have long-standing experience of conducting critical research on ethical issues linked to the digitalisation of society. I'm conducting (and am also project leader for) research on governmental digital surveillance practices with a focus on law enforcement authorities introduction of surveillance technologies with expectations of increased public security. Currently, the Swedish Police use a number of different surveillance technologies (e.g. CCTV, body cameras, drones, biometric technologies such as facial and object recognition, digital finger prints, sensors, secret data interception) where several are based on AI. Key issues in my research is to investigate how these data-intensive surveillance practices are organized, governed and regulated and the implications for civil liberties as privacy. Other key issues refers to the use of collected data in the wider legal chain, for example how data collected by cameras (e.g. CCTV, body cameras drones) is used to investigate crimes and later as evidence in court proceedings.

I mainly use qualitative research methods, but also participate in the SOM institute's national survey to capture citizens' views on surveillance and privacy. In addition, I'm involved in research on the use of AI for criminal investigations (sexual offences of children). I regularly presents my research both within and outside academia.

My research focus on:

  • Surveillance in the digital society
  • AI-based surveillance (e.g. biometrics, facial, object emotion recognition)
  • Surveillance used in border controls
  • Secret Data Reading/Government Hacking
  • The complicated relation between public and private actors in surveillance practices
  • What does the increased surveillance in society means for the democratic society?
  • What are the implications for privacy?