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- Linda Corin
Linda Corin
Affiliated to Research
Department of Sociology and Work ScienceAbout Linda Corin
Background Linda Wallin has a Masters degree in Work- and Organizational Psychology from the University of Gothenburg. She has been a graduate student at the Department of Work Sciences since fall 2008.
Research Her research interests mainly concern managers working conditions in the public sector, particularly focusing on how managers' demands and resources at work affects their health and mobility.
Current research Preliminary thesis title is: "Public sector managers' working conditions - Consequences for Health and Mobility". The thesis mainly concerns how managers' prerequisites in terms of working conditions, affects their health, motivation, performance and mobility. The dissertation will be based on quantitative material collected within the framework of the research project "CHEFiOS - Management, Health, Efficiency and Prerequisites in the Public Sector".
The thesis is part of the project "CHEFiOS" with Professor Annika Härenstam at the Department of Work Science, Gothenburg University, as a project manager. The research project examines the organizational prerequisites that are available to facilitate - or hinder - the manager's daily work.
Linda is also involved in a project about public managers mobility and sustainability which delves into questions about why managers choose to stay in or leave their assignments. The aim is, by using questionnaires and interviews, to identify factors, both individual and organizational level, affecting mobility and sustainability among managers in the public sector
Trust chains in public sector organizations and their significance for work unit performance and employee turnover
Annika Härenstam, Lisa Björk, Linda Corin
International Public Management Journal - 2024 -
Measuring Trust in Public Sector Organizations – Research
Annika Härenstam, Erik Berntson, Lisa Björk, Linda Corin, Rebecca Fältén, Aleksandra Bujacz
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology - 2024 -
Under pressure - The working situation of Swedish healthcare managers during the first wave of
Lisa Björk, Linda Corin, Magnus Åkerström, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Alessio Innocenti, Helle Wijk, Linda Åhlström
Frontiers in Psychology - 2023 -
Can working conditions and employees’ mental health be improved via job stress interventions designed and implemented by line managers and human resources on an operational
Magnus Åkerström, Linda Corin, Jonathan Severin, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Lisa Björk
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2021 -
Process evaluation of an operational-level job stress intervention aimed at decreasing sickness absence among public sector employees in
Jonathan Severin, Lisa Björk, Linda Corin, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Magnus Åkerström
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2021 -
Occupational trajectories of working conditions in Sweden: Development trends in the workforce,
Linda Corin, Anders Pousette, Tomas Berglund, Lotta Dellve, Gunnel Hensing, Lisa Björk
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health - 2021 -
Methodological approach for measuring the effects of organisational-level interventions on employee withdrawal
Magnus Åkerström, J. Severin, Henrik Imberg, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Lisa Björk, Linda Corin
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health - 2021 -
Public sector managers: the decision to leave or remain in a
A. Cregard, Linda Corin
Human Resource Development International - 2019 -
Job Demands and Job Resources in Human Service Managerial Work An External Assessment Through Work Content
Linda Corin, Lisa Björk
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - 2016 -
Managers’ Turnover in the Public Sector—The Role of Psychosocial Working
Linda Corin, Erik Berntson, Annika Härenstam
International Journal of Public Administration - 2016 -
Job Demands, Job Resources, and Consequences for Managerial Sustainability in the Public Sector – A Contextual
Linda Corin
2016 -
Why managers
Anna Cregård, Linda Corin
NORKOM, 26-28 november, Göteborg - 2015 -
Span of control and the significance for public sector managers' job demands: A multilevel
Linda Wallin, Anders Pousette, Lotta Dellve
Economic and Industrial Democracy - 2014 -
Patterns of psychosocial working conditions as predictors of public sector managers sustainability: a two year follow
Linda Corin, Berntson Erik, Annika Härenstam
11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, London, april 2014. - 2014 -
Patterns of psychosocial working conditions as predictors of public sector managers sustainability: a two year follow up.
Linda Corin, Berntson Erik, Annika Härenstam
11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, London, april 2014. - 2014 -
CHEFiOS; Chefskap, Hälsa, Effektivitet, Förutsättningar i Offentlig
Johanna Stengård, Annika Härenstam, Gunnar Ahlborg, Karin Allard, Eva Bejerot, Erik Berntson, Lisa Björk, Lotta Dellve, Mats Eklöf, Mats O Eriksson, Tina Forsberg Kankkunen, Hans Lindgren, Anders Pousette, Katrin Skagert, Stefan Szücs, Måns Waldenström, Linda Wallin, John Ylander, Anders Östebo
2013 -
Dags att ge offentliga sektorns chefer bättre villkor för att
Annika Härenstam, Lisa Björk, Linda Corin
Martin Kreuger, Lucia Crevani & Kristina Larsen (Red.) Leda mot det nya, en forskningsantologi om chefskap och innovation. - 2013 -
Chefers rörlighet i offentlig sektor. Rapport från en studie inom CHEFiOS projektet, Göteborgs
Stengård Johanna, Berntson Erik, Lotta Dellve, Annika Härenstam, Katrin Skagert, Anders Pousette, Linda Wallin
2013 -
Typical Situations for Managers in the Swedish Public Sector: Cluster Analysis of Working conditions using the Job Demands-Resources
Erik Berntson, Linda Wallin, Annika Härenstam
International Public Management Journal - 2012 -
Chefens perspektiv – En studie om hur chefer har och om förutsättningar för att vara
Erik Berntson, Annika Härenstam, Linda Wallin
Strategi och ledarskap, Bonniers ledarskapshandböcker - 2012