
Ivan Di Liberti

Associate Senior Lecturer

Philosophy and Logic unit
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Ivan Di Liberti

Roles: Assistant Professor (biträdande lektor) in Logic. Coordinator of the Master in Logic.

Scientific coordinates: Logic Group. Personal webpage.

Research: My research keywords are: category theory, categorical logic, doctrines, (2‑)toposes, sketches, accessible and locally presentable (2‑)categories, semantics of type theory, formal category theory.

Background: I did my PhD in Mathematics in Brno (2017-2020), applying category theory as a language for a general theory of mathematical structures. Most of my work from those days concerned syntax-semantics dualities for classes of structured sets, formal model theory and formal category theory. Since then, I held postdoctoral positions in Prague (2020-2021) and Stockholm (2022-2023). My scientific interests progressively shifted from semantics to syntax. Topic-wise I started working on topos theory and semantics of dependent types. Finally, in late 2023 I landed in Gothenborg University, and since 2025 I became assistant professor in the Logic Group.

Teaching: You can catch me teaching in our Master in Logic one of the courses below.