
Ingegärd Eliasson


Department of Conservation
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7 B
413 90 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 130
405 30 Göteborg

About Ingegärd Eliasson

I have long experience as researcher and project manager in inter- and transdisciplinary projects with field studies in Sweden, Japan, Botswana, Tanzania and Burkina Faso. My research includes climate variations in the urban-rural landscape and its effect on urban planning, air quality, human comfort and tourism.

Since 2010, I have been project leader for several externally funded research projects on the implementation of ecosystem services in environmental planning practice. Research communication with stakeholders and students have been important in these projects.

Railway, Gaze and, Landscape – The cultural environment as a resource for landscaped infrastructure is a transdisciplinary research project funded by the Swedish Transport Administration.

PlaCES: Improving Landscape Planning and Design with Cultural Ecosystem Services in Higher Education is a Erasmus+ project in collaboration with Universita Degli Studi Roma TRE (Italy), Hochschule Geisenheim (Germany) och Ecole Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg (France)

Ecosystem services - an integrative instrument for sustainable living environments in practice? is a transdisciplinary research project funded by Formas, the Swedish Research Council for sustainable development.

My place in the Biosphere is a transdisciplinary communication project funded by Formas, the Swedish Research Council for sustainable development. The aim is to communicate results from the research project Cultural heritage and the historic environment in sustainable landscape management funded by the Swedish National Heritage Board.

Mountain Landscape – The Importance of Cultural Ecosystem is a transdisciplinary research project funded by The Swedish National Heritage Board (RAÄ) and The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

For more information see my CV (below my photo)