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- Malte Hermansson
Malte Hermansson
Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemistry & Molecular BiologyAbout Malte Hermansson
Bacterial fimbria (FIMBUG)
Anders Lundgren (Post Doc; Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Programme, EU)
Fimbriae are hair-like surface organelles found on many pathogenic bacteria. These structures are known to strongly promote formation of bacterial biofilms on tissue and biomaterials. This is an emerging problem in modern health care since biofilm implant-related infections are very difficult to eradicate and thus a main contributor to the development and spreading of antibiotic resistance. The mechanism by which fimbriae promote biofilm formation and spreading of antibiotic resistance genes are not well understood. A better understanding of these surface interaction could aid development of new antibacterial and antibiofilm strategies, for example based on material design. The FIMBUG project has provided new knowledge on the role of fimbriae in bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation. Also, new methods for investigating bacterial surface interactions, especially in realistic flow conditions, have been developed.
External funding: EU, MCSA-Individual Fellowships
Biological nitrogen removal in wastewater
Carolina Suarez (Post Doc, FORMAS) Frank Persson (Doc. Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik, Vatten Miljö Teknik, Chalmers tekniska högskola)
"Zero eutrophication" is one of Swedish Parliament’s 16 environmental quality objectives, demanding large reductions in emissions of nutrients, such as nitrogen from e.g. wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). However, common nitrogen removal via nitrification/ denitrification is an energy demanding process. The alternative partial nitritation-anammox (PNA) process is an efficient sustainable alternative with a smaller carbon footprint, and lower energy requirements. In fact, use of the PNA process have been calculated to change WWTPs from net energy consumers to net producers. Some WWTPs are using PNA for treatment of part of the wastewater with concentrated ammonium levels at elevated temperatures e.g. reject water from sludge digestion. However, no WWTPs are yet treating the mainstream of less concentrated and colder wastewater, which represents 80-85% of the WWTP nitrogen. More knowledge about the bacteria is needed to increase use of the process. Since the bacteria grow as biofilms on surfaces, we investigate the structure of these biofilms with advanced microscope methods in combination with methods to identify bacteria directly under the microscope. We use DNA and RNA sequencing of specific genes as well as metagenomics to understand diversity and cell activity of bacteria during different WWTP processes.
External funding:FORMAS
Biofilm colonization and succession in a full-scale partial nitritation-anammox moving bed biofilm
Carolina Suarez, Tage Rosenqvist, Ivelina Dimitrova, Christopher J. Sedlacek, Oskar Modin, Catherine J. Paul, Malte Hermansson, Frank Persson
Resistance of aerobic granular sludge microbiomes to periodic loss of
R. Liebana, O. Modin, F. Persson, Malte Hermansson, B. M. Wilen
Biofilm - 2023 -
Metagenomic evidence of a novel family of anammox bacteria in a subsea
Carolina Suarez, P. D. Martins, M. S. M. Jetten, S. Karacic, B. M. Wilen, O. Modin, P. Hagelia, Malte Hermansson, F. Persson
Environmental Microbiology - 2022 -
Hill-based dissimilarity indices and null models for analysis of microbial community
O. Modin, R. Liebana, S. Saheb-Alam, B. M. Wilen, Carolina Suarez, Malte Hermansson, F. Persson
Microbiome - 2020 -
Long-term stability of partial nitritation-anammox for treatment of municipal wastewater in a moving bed biofilm reactor pilot
David J.I. Gustavsson, Carolina Suarez, Britt-Marie Wilén, Malte Hermansson, Frank Persson
Science of the Total Environment - 2020 -
Thickness determines microbial community structure and function in nitrifying biofilms via deterministic
Carolina Suarez, Maria Piculell, Oskar Modin, Silke Langenheder, Malte Hermansson
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
Combined Deterministic and Stochastic Processes Control Microbial Succession in Replicate Granular Biofilm
R. Liebana, O. Modin, F. Persson, E. Szabo, Malte Hermansson, B. M. Wilen
Environmental Science & Technology - 2019 -
Long-term dynamics of the bacterial community in a Swedish full-scale wastewater treatment
N. J. Fredriksson, Malte Hermansson, B. M. Wilen
Environmental Technology - 2019 -
A variety of hydrogenotrophic enrichment cultures catalyse cathodic
S. Saheb-Alam, F. Persson, B. M. Wilen, Malte Hermansson, O. Modin
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
Response to starvation and microbial community composition in microbial fuel cells enriched on different electron
S. Saheb-Alam, F. Persson, B. M. Wilen, Malte Hermansson, O. Modin
Microbial Biotechnology - 2019 -
Effect of Start-Up Strategies and Electrode Materials on Carbon Dioxide Reduction on
S. Saheb-Alam, A. Singh, Malte Hermansson, F. Persson, A. Schnurer, B. M. Wilen, O. Modin
Applied and Environmental Microbiology - 2018 -
The mechanisms of granulation of activated sludge in wastewater treatment, its optimization, and impact on effluent
B. M. Wilen, R. Liebana, F. Persson, O. Modin, Malte Hermansson
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - 2018 -
Community structure of partial nitritation-anammox biofilms at decreasing substrate concentrations and low
Frank Persson, Carolina Suarez, Malte Hermansson, Elzbieta Plaza, Razia Sultana, Britt-Marie Wilén
Microbial Biotechnology - 2017 -
Comparison of the bacterial community composition in the granular and the suspended phase of sequencing batch
E. Szabo, R. Liebana, Malte Hermansson, O. Modin, F. Persson, B. M. Wilen
Amb Express - 2017 -
Microbial Population Dynamics and Ecosystem Functions of Anoxic/Aerobic Granular Sludge in Sequencing Batch Reactors Operated at Different Organic Loading
E. Szabo, R. Liebana, Malte Hermansson, O. Modin, F. Persson, B. M. Wilen
Frontiers in Microbiology - 2017 -
The inhibitory effects of reject water on nitrifying populations grown at different biofilm
Maria Piculell, Carolina Suarez, Chunyan Li, Magnus Christensson, Frank Persson, Michael Wagner, Malte Hermansson, Karin Jönsson, Thomas Welander
Water Research - 2016 -
Nonoxidative removal of organics in the activated sludge
Oskar Modin, Frank Persson, Britt-Marie Wilén, Malte Hermansson
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology - 2016 -
Effects of Wash-Out Dynamics on Nitrifying Bacteria in Aerobic Granular Sludge During Start-Up at Gradually Decreased Settling
Enikö Szabo, Malte Hermansson, Oskar Modin, Frank Persson, Britt-Marie Wilén
Water - 2016 -
Incorporating Expert Judgments in Utility Evaluation of Bacteroidales qPCR Assays for Microbial Source Tracking in a Drinking Water
Johan Åström, Thomas J. R. Pettersson, G. H. Reischer, Tommy Norberg, Malte Hermansson
Environmental Science and Technology - 2015 -
Predation of nitritation–anammox biofilms used for nitrogen removal from
Carolina Suarez, Frank Persson, Malte Hermansson
FEMS Microbiology Ecology - 2015 -
Microbial community structure of nitritation-anammox biofilms at main stream
Frank Persson, Carolina Suarez, Malte Hermansson, Elzbieta Plaza, Razia Sultana, David Gustavsson, Britt-Marie Wilén
Proceedings of the conference: IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2015: moving innovation into practice - 2015 -
Effects of storage on mixed-culture biological
Soroush Saheb Alam, Frank Persson, Britt-Marie Wilén, Malte Hermansson, Oskar Modin
Scientific Reports - 2015 -
Gold-nanoparticle-assisted self-assembly of chemical gradients with tunable sub-50 nm molecular
Anders Lundgren, Mats Hulander, Joakim Brorsson, Malte Hermansson, Hans-Björne Elwing, Olof Andersson, Bo Liedberg, Mattias Berglin
Particle & particle systems characterization - 2014 -
Three-dimensional stratification of bacterial biofilm populations in a moving bed biofilm reactor for
Robert Almstrand, Frank Persson, Holger Daims, Maria Ekenberg, Magnus Christensson, Britt-Marie Wilén, Fred Sörensson, Malte Hermansson
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2014 -
Structure and composition of biofilm communities in a moving bed biofilm reactor for nitritation-anammox at low
Frank Persson, Razia Sultana, Marco Suarez, Malte Hermansson, Elzbieta Plaza, Britt-Marie Wilén
Bioresource technology - 2014 -
Impact of T-RFLP data analysis choices on assessments of microbial community structure and
Nils J Fredriksson, Malte Hermansson, Britt-Marie Wilén
BMC Bioinformatics - 2014 -
Tools for T-RFLP data analysis using
Nils J Fredriksson, Malte Hermansson, Britt-Marie Wilén
BMC Bioinformatics - 2014 -
Biofilms in Nitrogen Removal: Population Dynamics and Spatial Distribution of Nitrifying- and Anammox
Robert Almstrand, Frank Persson, Malte Hermansson
Metagenomics of the Microbial Nitrogen Cycle: Theory, Methods and Applications - 2014 -
Complete Nucleotide Sequence and Analysis of Two Conjugative Broad Host Range Plasmids from a Marine Microbial
Peter Norberg, Malte Hermansson, Maria Bergström
Plos One - 2014 -
New methods for analysis of spatial distribution and co-aggregation of microbial populations in complex
Robert Almstrand, Holger Daims, Frank Persson, Fred Sörensson, Malte Hermansson
Applied and Environmental Microbiology - 2013 -
The Choice of PCR Primers Has Great Impact on Assessments of Bacterial Community Diversity and Dynamics in a Wastewater Treatment
Johan Fredriksson, Britt-Marie Wilén, Malte Hermansson
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
One-stage nitritation - anaerobic ammonium oxidation at low temperatures in a moving bed biofilm
Frank Persson, Razia Sultana, Britt-Marie Wilén, Malte Hermansson, Fred Sörensson, Ann Matsson, Elzbieta Plaza
1st International IWA Conference on Holistic Sludge Management. Proceedings. 6–8 May 2013, Västerås, Sweden - 2013 -
Hydrodynamic modelling of the microbial water quality in a drinking water source as input for risk reduction
Ekaterina Sokolova, Thomas J. R. Pettersson, Olof Bergstedt, Malte Hermansson
Journal of Hydrology - 2013 -
Hydrodynamic Modelling of Microbial Water Quality in a Drinking Water
Ekaterina Sokolova, Thomas J. R. Pettersson, Olof Bergstedt, Malte Hermansson
Urban Environment. Proceedings of the 11th Urban Environment Symposium (UES), held in Karlsruhe, Germany, 16-19 September 2012 - 2013 -
Short-term microbial release during rain events from on-site sewers and cattle in a surface water
Johan Åström, Thomas J. R. Pettersson, G. H. Reischer, Malte Hermansson
Journal of Water and Health - 2013 -
Dynamics of specific ammonia-oxidizing bacterial populations and nitrification in response to controlled shifts of ammonium concentrations in
Robert Almstrand, Pär Lydmark, P-E Lindgren, Fred Sörensson, Malte Hermansson
Applied microbiology and biotechnology - 2013 -
Estimation of pathogen concentrations in a drinking water source using hydrodynamic modelling and microbial source
Ekaterina Sokolova, Johan Åström, Thomas J. R. Pettersson, Olof Bergstedt, Malte Hermansson
Journal of Water and Health - 2012 -
Diversity and dynamics of Archaea in an activated sludge wastewater treatment
Johan Fredriksson, Malte Hermansson, Britt-Marie Wilén
BMC Microbiology - 2012 -
Decay of Bacteroidales Genetic Markers in Relation to Traditional Fecal Indicators for Water Quality Modeling of Drinking Water
Ekaterina Sokolova, Johan Åström, Thomas J. R. Pettersson, Olof Bergstedt, Malte Hermansson
Environmental Science and Technology - 2012 -
Water quality modelling, monitoring and microbial source tracking for microbial risk assessment of a drinking water
Ekaterina Sokolova, Thomas J. R. Pettersson, Johan Åström, Olof Bergstedt, Inger Kjellberg, Malte Hermansson
Åttonde Nordiska Dricksvattenkonferensen, Svenskt Vatten, NordIWA, Stockholm, 18-20 juni 2012 - 2012 -
Ecological role of a seaweed secondary metabolite for a colonizing bacterial
Frank Persson, J. Robin Svensson, Göran M. Nylund, Johan Fredriksson, Henrik Pavia, Malte Hermansson
Biofouling - 2011 -
The IncP-1 plasmid backbone adapts to different host bacterial species and evolves through homologous
Peter Norberg, Maria Bergström, Vinay Jethava, Devdatt Dubhashi, Malte Hermansson
Nature communications - 2011 -
Nitrification potential and population dynamics of nitrifying bacterial biofilms in response to controlled shifts of ammonium concentrations in wastewater trickling
Robert Almstrand, Pär Lydmark, Fred Sörensson, Malte Hermansson
The red alga Bonnemaisonia asparagoides regulates epiphytic bacterial abundance and community composition by chemical
Göran M. Nylund, Frank Persson, Mats Lindegarth, Gunnar Cervin, Malte Hermansson, Henrik Pavia
FEMS Microbiology Ecology - 2010 -
Kvantitativ mikrobiell källspårning med Bacteroidales qPCR för bedömning och åtgärder av patogenrisker i en
Johan Åström, Thomas J. R. Pettersson, Malte Hermansson, Olof Bergstedt
Den 7. Nordiske Drikkevandskonference, 7.-9. juni 2010, DGI-byen, Köpenhamn, Danmark - 2010 -
Bacteriophage lytic to Desulfovibrio aespoeensis isolated from deep
Hallgerd Eydal, Sara Jägevall, Malte Hermansson, Karsten Pedersen
The ISME Journal - 2009 -
Microbial impact from human and animal faecal sources around the drinking water source Lake
Johan Åström, Thomas J. R. Pettersson, Malte Hermansson
Abstract, WaterMicro 2009. 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Greece - 2009 -
Release of fluoroquinolones and other active pharmaceutical ingredients from Indian bulk drug manufacture – environmental fate and effects on antibiotic resistance development, microbial ecosystems and aquatic vertebrates. Invited platform
D. G. Joakim Larsson, J Fick, Yougesh Schouche, Gunnar Carlsson, Sara Brosché, Lina-Maria Gunnarsson, RR Viduthalai, Richard Lindberg, Carolin Rutgersson, Hanna Söderström, Erik Kristiansson, Tobias Porsbring, Stefan Örn, Thomas Backhaus, Lars Förlin, Mats Tysklind, Malte Hermansson, Edward R.B. Moore
The Annual meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, March 30-April 2, Harrogate, UK - 2009 -
Seaweed defence against bacteria: a poly-brominated 2-heptanone from the red alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera inhibits bacterial
Göran M. Nylund, Gunnar Cervin, Frank Persson, Malte Hermansson, Peter Steinberg, Henrik Pavia
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2008 -
Microbial community structure in activated sludge floc analysed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and its relation to floc
Britt-Marie Wilén, Motoharu Onuki, Malte Hermansson, Dough Lumley, Takashi Mino
Water Research - 2008 -
Seaweed defence against bacteria: a poly-brominated 2-heptanone from the red
Göran M. Nylund, Gunnar Cervin, Frank Persson, Malte Hermansson, P. D Steinberg, Henrik Pavia
Mar Ecol Prog Ser - 2008 -
Release of active pharmaceutical ingredients from Indian bulk drug manufacture – environmental fate and effects on antibiotic resistance development, microbial ecosystems and vertebrate
D. G. Joakim Larsson, Jerker Fick, Yougesh Schouche, Gunnar Carlsson, Sara Brosché, Lina-Maria Gunnarsson, Thomas Backhaus, Lars Förlin, Malte Hermansson, Edward R.B. Moore
2008 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, November 16-20, Tampa, USA - 2008 -
Removal of geosmin and MIB by biofiltration - An investigation discriminating between adsorption and
Frank Persson, Gerald Heinicke, T. Hedberg, Malte Hermansson, W. Uhl
Environmental Technology - 2007 -
Undibacterium pigrum gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from drinking
P Kämpfer, R Rosselló-Mora, Malte Hermansson, Frank Persson, B Huber, Enevold Falsen, H-J Busse
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology - 2007 -
Effects of environmental conditions on the nitrifying population dynamics in a pilot wastewater treatment
Pär Lydmark, Robert Almstrand, K. Samuelsson, A. Mattsson, Fred Sörensson, P.-E. Lindgren, Malte Hermansson
Environmental Microbiology - 2007 -
A New Order Estimator for Fixed and Variable Length Markov Models with Applications to DNA Sequence
Daniel Dalevi, Devdatt Dubhashi, Malte Hermansson
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology - 2006 -
Influence of flocculation and settling properties of activated sludge in relation to secondary settler
Britt-Marie Wilén, M Onuki, Malte Hermansson, D Lumley, T Mino
Water Science and Technology - 2006 -
The effect of biological pre-filtration on the performance of conventional surface water
G. Heinicke, Torsten Hedberg, Frank Persson, Malte Hermansson, Wolfgang Uhl
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - Aqua - 2006 -
Performance of direct biofiltration of surface water for reduction of biodegradable organic matter and biofilm formation
Frank Persson, G. Heinicke, W. Uhl, Torsten Hedberg, Malte Hermansson
Environmental Technology - 2006 -
Vertical distribution of nitrifying populations in bacterial biofilms from a full-scale nitrifying trickling
Pär Lydmark, Magnus Lindh, Fred Sörensson, Malte Hermansson
Environmental Microbiology - 2006 -
Bayesian classifiers for detecting HGT using fixed and variable order Markov models of genomic
Daniel Dalevi, Devdatt Dubhashi, Malte Hermansson
Bioinformatics - 2006 -
Nitrifierande biofilmer för biologisk kväverening i
Malte Hermansson, Fred Sörensson, Per-Erik Lindgren, Ann Mattsson, Torsten Wik
2006 -
Characterisation of the behaviour of particles in biofilters for pre-treatment of drinking
Frank Persson, J. Långmark, Gerald Heinicke, Torsten Hedberg, J. Tobiason, T. A. Stenström, Malte Hermansson
Water Research - 2005 -
Use of a Quartz Crystal Microbalance To Investigate the Antiadhesive Potential of
Ann-Cathrin Olofsson, Malte Hermansson, Hans-Björne Elwing
Applied and Environmental Microbiology - 2005 -
Chemical inhibition of bacterial colonization by the red alga Bonnemaisonia
Göran M. Nylund, Gunnar Cervin, Malte Hermansson, Henrik Pavia
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2005 -
Community survey of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in full-scale activated sludge processes with different solids retention
S. Hallin, Pär Lydmark, S. Kokalj, Malte Hermansson, Fred Sörensson, Å. Jarvis, P.-E. Lindgren
Journal of Applied Microbiology - 2005 -
Inactivation of ompX Causes Increased Interactions of Type 1 Fimbriated Escherichia coli with Abiotic
Karen Otto, Malte Hermansson
Journal of Bacteriology - 2004 -
Isolation and sequencing of the replication region of plasmid pBFp1 isolated from a marine
Maria Bergström, Malte Hermansson, Cecilia Dahlberg
Plasmid - 2004