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- Claes Annerstedt
Claes Annerstedt
Professor Emeritus
Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport ScienceAbout Claes Annerstedt
Claes Annerstedt is teacher educated and has worked with education in school and higher education throughout his professional life. He is currently professor emeritus in sports science at the University of Gothenburg and has his workplace at the Center for Health and Performance Development (CHP) at the School of Sport Science in central Gothenburg.
Annerstedt defended his doctoral thesis in pedagogy at the University of Gothenburg in 1991 with the dissertation "The physical education teacher and the PE subject. Development, goals, competence – a didactic perspective”. He has been study director and director of the Sports Academy, University of Gothenburg, and has held a variety of assignments within educational science, pedagogy and sports science. Annerstedt has also worked at Örebro University, been scientifically responsible for sports science at the University of Kalmar and been post-doc at the School of Human Movement Studies in Brisbane, Australia. Between the years 2009-12, Annerstedt was professor of physical education and pedagogy at the Norwegian School of Sport Science (NIH) in Oslo and 2012-2017 Head of Department at the Department of Food and Nutrition, and Sport Science, University of Gothenburg.
Research interests
Annerstedt has continuously devoted himself to the subject of Physical Education and Health, Didactics and Learning, as well as teacher training. He has also devoted himself to professional issues, comparative sports pedagogy and sports history. Today, his interest is mainly devoted to teaching and learning within sports, primarily elite sports.
Skiing, outdoor activities, tennis, golf, travel, nature experiences and meeting interesting people from all corners of the world! France also has a special place in Annerstedt´s heart and he often returns there.
Ongoing project
- "Learning environments for deliberate and purposeful practice in teams". A praxis-related research project together with IFK Göteborg and Frölunda Hockey Club. Co-researchers: Berner Lindström, K. Anders Ericsson, Pär Rylander, Roger Gustafsson and Erik Lignell.
- "Deliberate practice in youth (elite) football supported by digital technology". A praxis-related research project together with IFK Göteborg. Co-researchers: Berner Lindström, K. Anders Ericsson, Roger Gustafsson.
- "IAAF and female Olympic sports".
- "Female athletics, its organization and history".
- "Sally Bauer - Female long-distance swimmer".
- "Learning to become (a better) teacher in physical education and sports". Textbook project together with Petter Erik Leirhaug. This new book will be published during the 1st quarter of 2020!
Idrottspedagogisk forskning i Sverige,
Claes Annerstedt, Göran Patriksson
Samhällsidrotten och idrottssamhället : humanistisk och samhällsvetenskaplig idrottsforskning under 50 år, Red. Tomas Peterson - 2024 -
Teachers’ actor-oriented transfer of movement pedagogy knowledge in physical
Helene Bergentoft, Claes Annerstedt, D. Barker, M. Holmqvist
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy - 2024 -
Idrottsvetenskaplig forskning och utbildning vid Göteborgs universitet: Personliga betraktelser: med nationella och internationella
Claes Annerstedt, Göran Patriksson
2022 -
Applying learning theories in learning how to teach physical education: a study of teacher education students collaborative learning processes in a
Glenn Kjerland, Claes Annerstedt
Sport, Education and Society - 2022 -
Skolans friluftsdagar ur ett historiskt
Claes Annerstedt, Marie Annerstedt
Idrott, historia och samhälle: Svenska idrottshistoriska föreningens årsskrift 2021 - 2021 -
Dags att ta tag i
Claes Annerstedt
Idrott & Hälsa - 2021 -
Claes Annerstedt
Tio forskare om ämnesdidaktik. Tomas Kroksmark (redaktör) - 2021 -
Distansbaserad blended learning - ett realtidssamarbete inom
Claes Annerstedt
Medicinsk informatik. Göran Petersson, Martin Rydmark och Anders Thurin [red.] - 2021 -
Claes Annerstedt, Göran Patriksson
Idrott. Hundra år i Göteborg. Redaktörer: Cege Berglund & Gudrun Nyberg - 2019 -
Barn- och ungdomsidrott - en bred
Göran Patriksson, Claes Annerstedt
Idrott. Hundra år i Göteborg. Redaktörer: Cege Berglund och Gudrun Nyberg - 2019 -
"The individual at the centre" - a grounded theory explaining how sport clubs retain young
Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Claes Annerstedt, John Dohlsten
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2017 -
Assessing with new eyes? Assessment for learning in Norwegian physical
Petter Erik Leirhaug, Claes Annerstedt
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy - 2016 -
‘The grade alone provides no learning’: Investigating assessment literacy among Norwegian physical education
Petter E. Leirhaug, Ann Macphail, Claes Annerstedt
Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education - 2016 -
Managing physical education lessons: an interactional
Dean Barker, Claes Annerstedt
Sport, Education and Society - 2016 -
Evaluation of Parallel Authentic Research-Based Courses in Human Biology on Student Experiences at Stanford University and the University of
Jacob Lindh, Claes Annerstedt, Thor Besier, Gordon O. Matheson, Martin Rydmark
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - 2016 -
Learning through group work in physical education: a symbolic interactionist
Dean Barker, Mikael Quennerstedt, Claes Annerstedt
Sport Education and Society - 2015 -
Inter-student interactions and student learning in health and physical education: a post-Vygotskian
Dean Barker, Claes Annerstedt, Mikael Quennerstedt
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy - 2015 -
Techno-rational knowing and phronesis: the professional practice of one middle-distance running
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Dean Barker, Claes Annerstedt
Reflective Practice - 2014 -
What did they learn in school today? A method for exploring aspects of learning in physical
M. Quennerstedt, Claes Annerstedt, Dean Barker, I. Karlefors, H. Larsson, K. Redelius, M. Ohman
European Physical Education Review - 2014 -
Caring as an important foundation in coaching for social sustainability: a case study of a successful Swedish coach inhigh-performance
Claes Annerstedt, Eva-Carin M Lindgren
Reflective Practice - 2014 -
Learning through group work in physical education: A symbolic interactionist
Dean Barker, Mikael Quennerstedt, Claes Annerstedt
AIESEP conference, 10-13 February, Auckland, NZ - 2014 -
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Claes Annerstedt
Erik Backman och Lena Larsson (red.). I takt med tiden? Perspektiv på idrottslärarutbildning i Skandinavien - 2013 -
Moving towards inclusion: An analysis of photographs from the 1926 Women's Games in
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Karin Grahn, Claes Annerstedt
International Journal of the History of Sport - 2013 -
Elitcoacher lär av
Claes Annerstedt
Svensk Idrottsforskning - 2011 -
Research-able through Problem-Based
Claes Annerstedt, Cammy Huang-De Voss, Jacob Lindh, Daniel Garza, Martin Rydmark
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - 2010 -
Karaktersetting i
Claes Annerstedt
Aktive liv. Idrettspedagogiske perspektiver. - 2010 -
Grading in Swedish Physical Education - problematic and hardly
Claes Annerstedt, Staffan Larsson
European Physical Education Review. - 2010 -
Betygsättning i Idrott och hälsa - stora brister vad gäller likvärdighet och
Claes Annerstedt
SVEBI:s årsbok 2009 - 2009 -
Betygsättning i Idrott och hälsa - stora brister vad gäller likvärdighet och
Claes Annerstedt
SVEBIs årsbok 2009 - 2009 -
Blended learning through global network and interdisciplinary live distance experiments at human performance
Jacob Lindh, Claes Annerstedt, Daniel Garza, Lennart Gullstrand, Kjartan Halvorsen, Hans-Christer Holmberg, Martin Rydmark
Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines, 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2009, Nice, France, September 29 - October 2, 2009. - 2009 -
Assessment in PE - difficulties and consequences of a criterion-referenced
Claes Annerstedt, Staffan Larsson
Proceedings from the 14'*^ European College of Sports Science, Oslo, 24-27^ of June 2009. - 2009 -
Hälsoform - en analys av ett hälsofrämjande
Claes Annerstedt, Ellinor Annerud, Owe Stråhlman
2009 -
Physical education and education through sport in
Claes Annerstedt, Göran Patriksson, Owe Stråhlman, Sten Eriksson
In Klein & Hardman (Eds). Physical education and sport education in European Union - 2008 -
Arbete - livsstil -
Owe Stråhlman, Göran Patriksson, Claes Annerstedt
2008 -
Physical Education in Scandinavia with focus on Sweden - a comparative
Claes Annerstedt
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy - 2008 -
Att (lära sig) vara lärare i idrott och
Claes Annerstedt
2007 -
Use of a Virtual Human Performance Laboratory to Improve Integration of Mathematics and Biology in Sports Science Curricula in Sweden and the United
D Garza, T Besier, T Johnston, B Rolston, A Schorsch, G Matheson, Claes Annerstedt, Jacob Lindh, Martin Rydmark
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 15 - in vivo, in vitro, in silico: Designing the Next in Medicine. Int. Conf., Long Beach Calif., US, 2007 - 2007 -
Use of a virtual human performance laboratory to improve integration of mathematics and biology in sports science curricula in Sweden and the United
D Garza, T Besier, T Johnston, B Rolston, A Schorsch, G Matheson, Claes Annerstedt, Jacob Lindh, Martin Rydmark
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. - 2007 -
Det tränade ögat - om att ge feedback i
Claes Annerstedt
www.idrottsforum.org - 2007 -
Hälsa genom idrott. Idrott och hälsa för åk
Claes Annerstedt
2006 -
Framgångsrikt ledarskap inom
Claes Annerstedt
2006 -
Idrott och hälsa i Skandinavien: likheter och
Claes Annerstedt
SVEBI:s årsbok - 2005 -
Claes Annerstedt, Elbjørg Dieserud, John Elvestad
2005 -
Physical Education and Health in
Claes Annerstedt
I: M. Gerber & Pühse, U. (Eds.). International comparison of PE - 2005 -
Aktiv. Lärobok i idrott och hälsa för år
Claes Annerstedt, Elbjørg Dieserud, John Elvestad
2004 -
Visible and Invisible Pedagogies. A comparative Study with Greek and Swedish Physical Education
Claes Annerstedt, Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
Pre-Olympic Congress, Sport Science through the Ages. Thessaloniki, Greece - 2004 -
Framing Physical Education in Greek Public
Claes Annerstedt, Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Göran Patriksson
Pre-Olympic Congress, Sport Science through the Ages. Thessaloniki, Greece - 2004 -
Per Henrik Ling - sa gymnastique, sa conception de la santé et son influence sur les
Claes Annerstedt
2003 - 2003 -
Asbjörn Gjerset, Claes Annerstedt
2002 -
Motorik, lek &
Grete Langlo Jagtöien, Kolbjörn Hansen, Claes Annerstedt
2002 -
Idrottsämnets didaktik. Tyska
Claes Annerstedt, Karlheinz Scherler, Horst Ehni, Petra Wolters, Jurgen Kretschmer
2002 -
Attraktiv utbildning. En studie av lärarutbildningar i idrott och
Claes Annerstedt
2002 -
Idrottsläraren och idrottsämnet ur ett didaktiskt
Claes Annerstedt
2002 - 2002 -
Ämnet idrott och hälsa och kopplingar till samhällets
Claes Annerstedt
Tidskriften Vård - 2001 -
Lärarhandledning till Idrott Hälsa
Claes Annerstedt
2001 -
Betygssättning i idrott och
Claes Annerstedt
Att bedöma eller döma. Tio artiklar om bedömning och betygssättning. - 2001 -
Idrottsundervisning. Ämnet idrott och hälsas
Claes Annerstedt, Birger Peitersen, Helle Rönholt
2001 -
Idrott Hälsa
Claes Annerstedt, Kari Bö, Elbjørg Dieserud, John Elvestad, Sigmund Strömme
2000 -
The new swedish curriculum in Physical Education - is the outcome as
Claes Annerstedt, Göran Patriksson
Research on Teaching and Research on Teacher Education. - 2000 -
Kropp, idrott och hälsa - dåtid, nutid och
Claes Annerstedt
Idrott, historia och samhälle - 2000 -
Health related Physical Education in Sweden: Lessons from central governmental transition to local school
Claes Annerstedt
Sportunterricht: Zwischen zentraler Steurung und Lokaler Autonomie. - 1999 -
Idrottsvetenskap(-er) - ett sökande efter akademisk
Claes Annerstedt
Aktuell beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning. - 1999 -
Gesundheitsorientierte Leibeserziehung in Schweden: Der Ubergang von staatlicher Kontrolle zur Lokalen Verantwortung der
Claes Annerstedt
Akademieschriften der Europäischen Akademie des Sports. - 1999 -
Idrott, lärarutbildning och
Claes Annerstedt
Svensk Idrottsforskning - 1995 -
Claes Annerstedt
1995 -
Idrottsämnets (brist på)
Claes Annerstedt
Aktuell beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning. - 1994 -
Gymnastikämnets utveckling i
Claes Annerstedt
1993 -
Hälsa genom
Claes Annerstedt, John Elvestad, Ingunn-Marie Myren, Rasmus Stokke
1993 -
Barn i lek og idrett. Didaktikk för kroppsöving og
Claes Annerstedt
1992 -
Idrottslärarna och idrottsämnet. Utveckling, mål, kompetens - ett didaktiskt
Claes Annerstedt
1991 -
Resursbok för lärare i
Elbjörg Andersen, Claes Annerstedt, John Elvestad, Arne Sivertsen
1990 -
Didaktik och idrottsdidaktik. Exemplet
Claes Annerstedt, Michael Meuser
1990 -
Träning Hälsa
Elbjörg Andersen, Claes Annerstedt, John Elvestad, Arne Sivertsen
1990 -
Den idrottsdidaktiska utvecklingen i förbundsrepubliken
Claes Annerstedt, Michael Meuser
Uctuell beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning. - 1990 -
Undervisa i idrott. Idrottsämnets
Claes Annerstedt
1990 -
Skolgymnastikens utveckling i
Claes Annerstedt
1989 -
Pedagogers syn på fysisk fostran. Ett didaktiskt
Claes Annerstedt
1989 -
Vetenskapsteori och
Claes Annerstedt
SVEBIS årsbok : aktuell beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning - 1988 -
Motorisk utveckling och
Claes Annerstedt
Utveckling Inlärning Idrott. - 1988 -
Quintilianus och fysisk
Claes Annerstedt
Idrott Historia Samhälle. - 1988 -
Idrottsdagarnas tillkomst och utveckling till
Claes Annerstedt, Börje Tolgfors
Tidskrift i Gymnastik & Idrott - 1987 -
Kvinnoidrottens utveckling i
Claes Annerstedt