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- Carl Jacob Holmberg
Carl Jacob Holmberg
Melanoma surgery in the era of modern
The effect of a single dose of nivolumab prior to isolated limb perfusion for patients with in-transit melanoma metastases: An interim analysis of a phase Ib/II randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial (NivoILP
Carl Jacob Holmberg, Lisanne P. Zijlker, Dimitrios Katsarelias, Anne Huibers, Michel W.J.M. Wouters, Yvonne Schrage, Sophie J.M. Reijers, Johannes V. van Thienen, Dirk J. Grünhagen, Anna Martner, Jonas A Nilsson, Alexander C.J. van Akkooi, Lars Ny, Winan J. van Houdt, Roger Olofsson Bagge
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2024 -
A multidisciplinary team and patient perspective on omission of surgery after neoadjuvant systemic therapy for early breast cancer: A European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) Research Academy
Carmela Caballero, Dara J. Lundon, Mariela Vasileva-Slaveva, Giacomo Montagna, Eduard-Alexandru Bonci, Andreas Brandl, Henry Smith, Johnn Henry Herrera Kok, Carl Jacob Holmberg, Raza Sayyed, Nada Santrac, Ina Suppan, Pallvi Kaul, Nikolaos Vassos, Laura Lorenzon, Marlena Murphy, Wim Ceelen, Evandro de Azambuja, Stuart A. McIntosh, Patrick G. Johnston
EJSO - 2024 -
Current practice in assessment and management of malnutrition in surgical oncology practice – An ESSO-EYSAC snapshot
Andreas Brandl, Dara Lundon, Laura Lorenzon, Yvonne Schrage, Carmela Caballero, Carl Jacob Holmberg, Nada Santrac, Henry Smith, Mariela Vasileva-Slaveva, Giacomo Montagna, Eduard Alexandru Bonci, Olivia Sgarbura, Raza Sayyed, Almog Ben-Yaacov, Johnn Henry Herrera Kok, Ina Suppan, Pallvi Kaul, Dana Sochorova, Nikolaos Vassos, Marta Carrico, Helen Mohan, Wim Ceelen, Jann Arends, Sergio Sandrucci
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2024 -
Prognostic Significance of Sentinel Lymph Node Status in Thick Primary Melanomas (> 4
Carl Jacob Holmberg, R. Mikiver, K. Isaksson, C. Ingvar, M. Moncrieff, K. Nielsen, L. Ny, J. Lyth, Roger Olofsson Bagge
Annals of Surgical Oncology - 2023 -
Variations in the definition and perceived importance of positive resection margins in patients with colorectal cancer - an EYSAC international
H. G. Smith, N. H. Schlesinger, C. Qvortrup, D. Chiranth, D. Lundon, A. Ben-Yaacov, C. Caballero, I. Suppan, J. Herrera Kok, Carl Jacob Holmberg, H. Mohan, G. Montagna, N. Santrac, R. Sayyed, Y. Schrage, O. Sgarbura, W. Ceelen, L. Lorenzon, A. Brandl
EJSO - 2023 -
ASO Visual Abstract: Prognostic Significance of Sentinel Lymph Node Status in Thick Primary Melanomas (>
4 mm)
Carl Jacob Holmberg, Rasmus Mikiver, Karolin Isaksson, Christian Ingvar, Marc Moncrieff, Kari Nielsen, Lars Ny, Johan Lyth, Roger Olofsson Bagge
Annals of surgical oncology - 2023 -
Effects of the Introduction of Modern Immunotherapy on the Outcome of Isolated Limb Perfusion for Melanoma In-Transit
Carl Jacob Holmberg, J. Mattsson, Roger Olofsson Bagge
Cancers - 2023 -
The efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade for melanoma in-transit with or without nodal metastases - A multicenter cohort
Carl Jacob Holmberg, Lars Ny, Tina J. Hieken, Matthew S. Block, Michael J. Carr, Vernon K. Sondak, Christoffer Ortenwall, Dimitrios Katsarelias, Florentia Dimitriou, Alexander M. Menzies, Robyn P. M. Saw, Aljosja Rogiers, Richard J. Straker, Giorgos Karakousis, Rona Applewaite, Lalit Pallan, Dale Han, John T. Vetto, David E. Gyorki, Emilia Nan Tie, Maria Grazia Vitale, Paulo A. Ascierto, Reinhard Dummer, Jade Cohen, Jane Y. C. Hui, Jacob Schachter, Nethanel Asher, H. Helgadottir, Harvey Chai, Hidde Kroon, Brendon Coventry, Luke D. Rothermel, James Sun, Matteo S. Carlino, Zoey Duncan, Kristy Broman, Jeffrey Weber, Ann Y. Lee, Russell S. Berman, Juri Teras, David W. Ollila, Georgina Long, Jonathan S. Zager, Alexander van Akkooi, Roger Olofsson Bagge
The efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade for melanoma in-transit with or without nodal metastases: A multicenter cohort
Roger Olofsson Bagge, Carl Jacob Holmberg, T. J. Hieken, J. S. Zager, G. V. Long, A. C. J. Van Akkooi, G. C. Karakousis, L. Pallan, J. T. Vetto, D. E. Gyorki, P. A. Ascierto, R. Dummer, J. Y. C. Hui, J. Schachter, H. Helgadottir, H. Kroon, L. D. Rothermel, M. S. Carlino, K. K. Broman, L. Ny, I. TforIT Res Collaboration I. TforIT Res Collaboration
Journal of Clinical Oncology - 2022 -
Health-related quality of life using the FACT-M questionnaire in patients with malignant melanoma: A systematic
Ann-Sophie Lindqvist Bagge, Hanna Wesslau, Roza Cizek, Carl Jacob Holmberg, Marc Moncrieff, Dimitrios Katsarelias, Anders Carlander, Roger Olofsson Bagge
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology - 2022 -
Standards in surgical training in advanced pelvic malignancy across Europe and beyond - A Snapshot
Andreas Brandl, Dara Lundon, Laura Lorenzon, Yvonne Schrage, Carmela Caballero, Carl Jacob Holmberg, Nada Santrac, Mariela Vasileva-Slaveva, Giacomo Montagna, Olivia Sgarbura, Raza Sayyed, Almog Ben-Yaacov, Johnn Henry Herrera Kok, Ina Suppan, Helen Mohan, Tibor Kovacs, Domenico D'Ugo, Sergio Sandrucci, Wim Ceelen
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology - 2022 -
Surgery of metastatic melanoma after systemic therapy - the SUMMIST trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled
Carl Jacob Holmberg, Dimitrios Katsarelias, Henrik Jespersen, Ana Carneiro, Nils O Elander, Hildur Helgadottir, Karolin Isaksson, Malin Jansson, Sara Wirén, Gustav J Ullenhag, Lars Ny, Roger Olofsson Bagge
Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden) - 2021 -
Bakjoursfall + Översiktsartikel ANE (akut nekrotiserande
Carl Jacob Holmberg, Cecilia Engström
Svensk Kirurgi - 2020 -
Surgery for gastrointestinal metastases of malignant melanoma - a retrospective exploratory
Carl Jacob Holmberg, Gulan Alwan, Lars Ny, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Dimitrios Katsarelias
World Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2019