
Anna Danielsson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Health and Rehabilitation
Visiting address
Arvid Wallgrens backe Hus 2
41346 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 455
40530 Göteborg

About Anna Danielsson

Senior lecturer at the Physiotherapy Programme, PhD, Associate Professor in Physiotherapy and Registered Physiotherapist, certified in neurology. Physiotherapy in Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine are i focus of my educational work, at first and second cycle of the Physiotherapy Programme. I also take part in the master thesis course in Physiotherapy.

I have long clinical experience from inpatient neurological rehabilitation and this is also my main research interest. Physiotherapeutic assessment/ intervention regarding motor function, spasticity, mobility, walking and physical activity after stroke are in focus of my research. I collaborate with the Rehabilitation Medicine research Group at GU. Currently, I am involved in doctoral projects on movement and activity monitoring in stroke and cerebral paresis.