Internationell politik
Kort beskrivning
Vi är en grupp aktiva forskare som intresserar oss för området internationell politik. Under de senaste åren har vår forskning i huvudsak handlat om de breda områdena; utrikespolitisk analys, global styrning, genus och internationella relationer, transnationella rörelser och internationell säkerhet. Mer specifikt har vi diskuterat frågor som utrikespolitiskt ledarskap, genus och diplomati, staters förhållande till FN, trender i folkopinionen kring utrikespolitiska sakfrågor, och säkerhets- och försvarspolitik, inklusive NATO och EU.
- Utrikespolitiskt ledarskap
- Genus och diplomati
- Internationella normer
- Internationella hierarkier
- Amerikansk utrikespolitik
- Svensk utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik
- Miljöpolitik och internationella relationer
- De politiska partierna och utrikespolitiken
- NATO och europeisk säkerhet
- Humanitära interventioner, framtiden för den liberala världsordningen
Ledarskap och EU:s utrikespolitiska samarbeten
Diaspora och utrikespolitik.
Bjereld, Ulf och Ann-Marie Ekengren (2024). Från neutralitet till Nato. Svensk utrikespolitik under 200 år. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bjereld, Ulf och Ann-Marie Ekengren (2023). Internationella relationer. Perspektiv på konflikt och samarbete i världspolitiken. Stockholm: Liber förlag. Fjärde upplagan.
Ekengren, Ann-Marie and Ulrika Möller (eds.) (2023). The Quest for Power in the UNSC: The Campaigns and Selection of Non-permanent Members. Brill/Nijhoff.
Ekengren, Ann-Marie och Brommesson, Douglas (red.) (2022). Sverige i världen. Om utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande. Malmö: Gleerups. Fjärde upplagan.
Jepsen, H., Lundgren, M., Monheim, K., Walker, H. (2021). Negotiating the Paris Agreement: The Insider Stories. Cambridge University Press.
Stern, Maria and Ann Towns (eds.) (2022). Feminist IR Traditions in Europe. Palgrave.
Aggestam, Lisbeth (2021). Role theory and the study of leadership in EU external action. In S. Gstöhl and S. Schunz (eds). The External Action of the European Union: Concepts, Approaches, Theories. Macmillan International.
Brommesson, Douglas, Ann-Marie Ekengren and Anna Michalski (2022). Sweden's Policy of Neutrality. Success through Flexibility?. In de la Porte, Caroline et al. (eds). Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries. Cases, Lessons, Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Beaumont, Paul and Ann Towns (2021). The Rankings Game: A Relational Approach to Country Performance Indicators. International Studies Review, 1-28.
Brommesson, Douglas, Ann-Marie Ekengren and Anna Michalski (2023). From variation to convergence in turbulent times – foreign and security policy choices among the Nordics 2014–2023. European Security.
Di Salvatore, J., Lundgren, M., Oksamytna K., and Smidt, H (2022). Introducing the Peacekeeping Mandates (PEMA) Dataset. Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Ekengren, Ann-Marie and Ulrika Möller (2021). Campaigning for the prize: The quests by Sweden and the Kingdom of the Netherlands for Security Council Membership, 2017–2018. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 16, 1-26.
Koliev, F and Lundgren, M (2021). Visiting the hegemon: Explaining diplomatic visits to the United States. Research & Politics.
Kreft, Anne-Kathrin, Birgitta Niklasson, and Ann E. Towns (2022). Do gender patterns in diplomacy disappear over time?. European Journal of Politics and Gender 5(3):279-302.
Lundgren, M, Tallberg, J, Wasserfallen, F. (2023). Differentiated Influence by Supranational Institutions: Evidence from the European Union. European Journal of Political Research.
Lundgren, M, Sommerer, T, Squatrito, T, and Tallberg, J. (2023). Introducing the Intergovernmental Policy Output Dataset (IPOD). The Review of International Organizations.
Lundgren, M., Tallberg, J, Sommerer, T, and Squatrito, T. (2023). When are International Organizations Responsive to Policy Problems?. International Studies Quarterly.
Lundgren, M, Svensson, I., & Karakus, D. (2023). Local ceasefires and de-escalation: Evidence from the Syrian Civil War. Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Lundgren, M. & Klamberg M. (2022). Selective Attention: The United Nations Security Council and Armed Conflict. British Journal of Political Science.
Lundgren, M., Oksamytna, K., and Bove, V. (2021). Politics or Performance? Leadership Accountability in UN Peacekeeping. Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Lundgren, M., Oksamytna, K., and Coleman, K. (2021). Only as Fast as Its Troop Contributors: Incentives, Capabilities, and Constraints in the UN’s Peacekeeping Response. Journal of Peace Research.
Lundgren, M., Klamberg, M., Sundström, K., Dahlqvist, J. (2021). Emergency Powers in Response to Covid-19: Policy Diffusion, Democracy, and Preparedness. Nordic Journal of Human Rights.
Michalski, Anna, Douglas Brommesson and Ann-Marie Ekengren (2024). Small states and the dilemma of geopolitics: Role change in Finland and Sweden. International Affairs.
Möller, Ulrika and Ann-Marie Ekengren (2024). Domestic Debate and International Office: Sweden in the UN Security Council 2017–18. Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol 20 (1).
Niklasson, Birgitta and Ann E. Towns (2023). Diplomatic Gender Patterns and Symbolic Status Signaling: Introducing the GenDip dataset on gender and diplomatic representation. International Studies Quarterly 67(4).
Niklasson, Birgitta and Ann E. Towns (2022). Introduction: Approaching Gender and Ministries of Foreign Affairs. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 17(3):339-369.
Niklasson, Birgitta and Ann E. Towns (2022). Editors of a special issue on gender and Ministries of Foreign Affairs in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy.
Oksamytna, Kseniya, Bove, Vincenzo, and Lundgren, Magnus (2021). Leadership selection in UN peacekeeping. International Studies Quarterly.
Sommerer, T, Squatrito, T, Tallberg, J, and Lundgren, M (2021). Decision-making in international organizations: institutional design and performance. Review of International Organizations.
Towns, Ann E. (2022). WAW, No Women? Foucault’s Reverse Discourse and Gendered Subjects in Diplomatic Networks. Global Society 36(3):347-67.
Tallberg, J, Lundgren, M., et al (2023). The Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Next Steps for Empirical and Normative Research. International Studies Review.