Plant response to organic nitrogen uptake in Zostera marina
This is a suggestion for a Degree Project for Bachelor's and Master's levels at the Department of Marine Sciences. Degree projects at the Department of Marine Sciences are done independently and must be written and assessed individually.
Subject: Marine Biology
Level: Master/Advanced
Where: Kristineberg Marine Research Station, University of Gothenburg, in Fiskebäckskil
Supervisors: Petter Lundberg (UMU/GU), Maria Asplund (GU), Robin Svensson (GU), Mats Björk (SU)
Project background
You might recognize that “you are what you eat”? And, against contrary beliefs, this has shown to be true also for nutrition uptake in terrestrial plants when fed either inorganic nitrogen (e.g. ammonium or nitrate) or organic nitrogen (e.g. amino acids).
The observed differences in uptake rates and morphological responses have been investigated intensely during the last two decades, primarily in forest trees, and this projects builds on those findings.

Project description
We aim to investigate how generic they are via a pilot study in a marine environment using eelgrass (Zostera marina).
Eelgrass form very important species-rich meadows which provide several important ecosystem functions, such as e.g. carbon and nutrient uptake, sediment stabilization, and storm protection. Alas, these important habitats have declined rapidly since the latter half of the 20 century, and now belong to the most threatened habitats.
This is why huge efforts are carried out in order to protect existing meadows and to restore those we lost. To facilitate these efforts it is of high importance that we improve our understanding of the eelgrass physiology.
Aim of the Project
The aim of this plant physiological project is twofold:
- i) instigate if eelgrass can take up and utilize organic nitrogen from the seabed, and
- ii) compare the plant responses in terms of morphological differences, between non-stimulated, inorganic nitrogen and organic nitrogen stimulated plants, using both macroscopic and microscopy observations.
It is also of interest to see how fast the plausible uptake and responses occur.
This project includes field collection of eelgrass, replanting and observations in an aquarium, data collection, and analysis.
The project will be carried out at Kristineberg Marine Research Station, University of Gothenburg, in Fiskebäckskil.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about and/or an informal discussion on our view on the project.
Petter Lundberg
Principal Research Engineer, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå university Scientific diver, Kristineberg Marine Research Station, University of Gothenburg
Maria Asplund
Researcher, Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Robin Svensson
Principal Research Engineer, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Mats Björk
Professor, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, University of Stockholm,