Researcher working at the computer as well as a picture of a DNA sequence.

Master's programme in Genomics and Systems Biology

Master’s programme
2 years
120 credits (ECTS)


The Master’s programme in Genomics and Systems Biology starting autumn 2022 has unfortunately been cancelled.


The Master's programme in Genomics and Systems Biology teaches you to experimentally study all components (e.g. genes, proteins, metabolites) in biological systems by using different omics-technologies. You will develop computational skills for genome analysis, model generation and simulation, and gain understanding of factors that influence genome evolution. This programme will open the way for your understanding of evolution at the genome level, which has implications for how we assess the adaptability of organisms to changing environmental conditions, such as climate change.

Our programme provides practical knowledge of emerging technologies for large-scale analysis of the molecules of life. You will study how genomes change over time and how life's molecules interact in networks to build up living organisms. Knowledge of the properties of complete biological systems—not just their individual parts—is essential to drug development, disease treatment, and improving industrial bioprocesses. Explosive development of technology in this field is interdisciplinary, and research and education lie at the intersection of biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and computer science. 

In-depth and well-rounded education

We aim to develop your skills to experimentally study all components of a biological system and describe the functional interactions in mathematical terms. This modelling enables simulations and predictions about the behaviour of system changes due to various types of perturbations, such as mutations, infections, or environmental impact. You will gain understanding of how genomes change over time as a consequence of antibiotics use, breeding for desired characteristics, or chemicals in the environment, among other influences. 

The programme is problem-oriented and closely linked to current research, such as genome projects on marine organisms, bioinformatic analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism, and networks analysis of the genetic interactions between the molecules of life studied in the amenable experimental system yeast. This trains you in formulating and solving current and future life science issues.

Create a unique scientific profile

You will take mandatory and elective courses, allowing you to deepen your knowledge in your field or broaden it by adding other natural science subjects to your curriculum. You can also study other subjects, such as economics, leadership, or a new language, enabling you to create a unique interdisciplinary degree unique on the job market. 

Why study Genomics and Systems Biology at the University of Gothenburg?

  • Teaching in small groups and in close contact with your instructors 
  • Problem-based learning and laboratory-intensive courses connected to ongoing research
  • The opportunity to tailor your education to your interests and create a unique profile.

Top 40 worldwide in Life Sciences—Biological Sciences

In the field of Life Sciences—Biological Sciences, the University of Gothenburg ranks amongst the top 3 universities in Sweden and top 40 worldwide in the ShanghaiRanking 2022. Biological sciences include biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, cell biology, and microbiology.

Programme structure and content

You will actively participate in problem-based learning and in-depth discussions on recent high-profile research papers, gaining insight in how science works and how knowledge is generated. You will put theory into practice during laboratory courses, developing your analytical and laboratory skills.

During the first year, we recommend you take the following in-depth courses at the advanced level:

  • Advanced Functional Genomics
  • Advanced Bioinformatics
  • Experimental Systems Biology
  • Evolutionary Genomics

The second year consists of an individual laboratory-based degree project, which you can spend the whole year on, or do a shorter project and take extra courses.

Who should apply?

Do you picture yourself using the most recent technological developments at the forefront of modern biology?

Are you interested in the holistic approach of how mutations, infections, or environmental changes influence the behaviour of organisms?

Are you concerned with how antibiotics use, breeding for desired characteristics, or chemicals in the environment cause genomes to change over time?

We welcome students who wish to expand their knowledge in functional genomics, bioinformatics, mathematical modelling, molecular evolution, and experimental and computational systems biology.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

A bachelor's degree in molecular biology or biology, including at least 60credits in biology and 30credits in chemistry. English B / English 6 or equivalent. Students with an equivalent education may, after examination, be admitted to the program.

After graduation

Graduates of the programme receive the degree Master of Science in Genomics and Systems Biology.

You will be prepared for the next generation of research challenges in biotechnology, medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, or academia. In the public sector possibilities include diagnostic laboratories in the health care sector or government authorities. You will also be prepared to continue your studies on a doctoral level, which may lead to a career as a research scientist within academia or in industry. 

As the optional courses in your education allow you to create a unique profile on the job market, there are many more career paths to choose from, such as communication, sales, or marketing.


Most courses within the programme are given on Campus Medicinareberget.

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