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Watch the movie about MIJ

Investigative journalism revealing wrongdoings

Do you want to learn more about investigative journalism and its possibilities? Together with other students from all over the world, you will have the opportunity to sharpen your knowledge for one year at JMG's international Master's Programme MIJ.

More about the programme

Read more about the MIJ programme

More details here.

Our lecturers and students

JMG's lecturers have extensive own experience of investigative journalism as well as the invited guest lecturers.

Many of those attending the programme are journalists, others have a different background. However, the desire to learn more in order to investigate and critically examine what is happening in our society and with power is something in common for JMG's students.

Many of the students have had their final projects in investigative journalism published in both Swedish and international media.

See our students' investigations

Already from the start of the programme, the students investigate and report. You will find some examples here.

Application and scholarships

Application information

Program start and duration 21/22:
August 29th 2022 - June 4th 2023

Application periods:
Non-EU/EEA citizens (first application round):
October 18th 2021 - January 17th 2022

EU/EEA citizens (second application round):
March 15th 2022 - April 19 th 2022

Cost for non-EU/EEA citizens:
125 000 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.