Publications from students in the class 2023-24
Publications from students in the class 2022-23
Final project historical reckoning in the 2022 electional campaign in the Philippines
- https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/in-depth/general-fabian-ver-daughter-reckons-with-her-father-legacy-martial-law/
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/05/04/wanna-ver-philippines-election-fabian-ver-ferdinand-marcos/
Final project on the effects of rubber import from Central Africa
- Verheerende Lieferketten (Disastrous supply chains). Published with non-profit investigative journalism centre Correctiv in Germany: https://correctiv.org/aktuelles/wirtschaft/2023/01/24/verheerende-lieferketten/.
- Nominated for the German-French journalism award in the category investigation:
Final project on the Big Tech lobby in Europe
- https://voxeurop.eu/en/gafam-big-techs-lobby-game-in-europe/
- https://voxeurop.eu/it/gafam-big-tech-digitale-lobby-europa-bruxelles/
- https://voxeurop.eu/fr/gafam-big-tech-lobby-europe-numerique/
- Final project on how Ukrainian war refugees are lured in Sweden
- https://www.etc.se/inrikes/de-flydde-fraan-kriget-de-lurades-paa-jobb-i-sverige
Data journalism course project on Eagles being killed by trains in certain regions in Sweden
- https://kkuriren.se/bli-prenumerant/artikel/rgpn760r/kk-2m2kr_s_22
- https://kkuriren.se/bli-prenumerant/artikel/jvnqmn1r/kk-2m2kr_s_223
- https://www.eaglesatrisk.com/
Uppdrag Granskning
The MIJ21 class contributed research to Swedish television SVT’s investigation into telephone company Ericsson’s involvement with Islamic State
Final project on Big Tech lobby on algorithms – and the real life risks of algorithms in social welfare
- https://algorithmwatch.org/en/norrtalje-children-at-risk-algorithm
- https://euobserver.com/investigations/152695
- https://euobserver.com/investigations/153386
Nominated for the Swedish Investigative Journalism Award Guldspaden in the student category :https://www.fgj.se/guldspaden/bidrag/fordel-big-tech-maktspel-om-artificiell-intelligens-i-europa
Final project with data journalism analysis unveiling a job market hostile to uyghurs
Final project on alleged corruption in major Gothenburg infrastructure project
Data journalism course project on Belarusians fleeing to Europe
- https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2021/04/21/i-was-in-a-panic-how-belarusians-have-fled-in-growing-numbers-since-last-year-s-disputed-e#vuukle-comments-1477730,%20
- https://www.euronews.com/2021/06/30/a-pathetic-revenge-policy-is-belarus-facilitating-illegal-migration-to-lithuania
Uppdrag granskning
The MIJ20 class contributed research to Swedish television SVT’s investigation ”The stolen children” on adoptions from Chile to Sweden
To be updated

The water eats the land.
An investigation into the UN Environment Programme in Tanzania.
Michaela Kozminova and Elias Arvidsson, The Ecologist, 20 August 2019.

Israeli government accused of abandoning soldiers with PTSD.
An investigation into Israeli soldiers and lacking support for mental health problems.
Amanda Forslund and Charlotta Lindblom, the Guardian 21 August 2019.

Violence, violations and deaths on accommodation for people with disabilities (Våld, kränkningar och dödsfall på boenden för personer med funktionsnedsättning)
An investigation into accommodations for people with disabilities.
Based on research by Jessica Lindbom Jämting, Uppdrag Granskning, SVT, 31 Oct 2018.

Peruvian villagers face murder and intimidation from land traffickers.
An investigation into land invaders within the Chaparrí ecological reserve in Peru.
Rajmonda Rexhi and Matthew Weaver, The Guardian, 3 Sep 2018.

The new surrogate mothers (De nya surrogatmödrarna).
An investigation into surrogate mothers on Sweden's investigative TV programme Uppdrag Granskning.
Felicia Bredenberg, Lucas Dahlström and Liliia Makashova, Uppdrag Granskning, SVT, 19 Sep 2018.

The number one in the environment (Ympäristön ykkönen).
An investigation into environmental pollution. Broadcast on Finland's investigative TV programme MOT.
Kaisu Suopanki, MOT, Yle, 17 Sep 2018

Luai has to leave Sweden - but can not (Luai måste lämna Sverige – men kan inte).
A short investigation of the plight of Palestinian refugees in Sweden, published in ETC.
Pernilla Stammler Jaliff, ETC, 9 Nov 2017.

Revealed: the Romanian site where Louis Vuitton makes its Italian shoes.
All but the soles of the luxury brand’s footwear are made in Transylvania before being ‘finished’ in Italy and France.
Alexandra Lembke, The Guardian, 2017.

Se anche la Svezia fa finta di non vedere.
(Även om Sverige låtsas att inte se det).
Left – Joshua Evangelista, 2017.

Kommungranskarna: Sigtuna kommun – en segregerad kommun med hårda anklagelser om vänskapskorruption.
SVT – Jazz Munteanu (and Linda Haglund), 2017

The Murder Business.
A criminal business led by a policeman ended up with a murder.
RISE Moldova – Dima Stoianov, 2017.

Killen som utmanar Systemet.
VICE – Joshua Worth and Nicholas Thomas, 2017.

The Future of Regulation. Sweden’s strict controls drive ‘booze-cruise’ economy.
The Financial Times – Joshua Worth and Nicholas Thomas, 2017.

Gákti and Instagram: how Oslo's young Sámis face tradition and urban life.
The Local – Hanna Tuulonen, 2017.

Gender War(t)s. HPV virus does not discriminate boys, the Swedish
vaccine system does.
Course Assignment – Ana Veskovic and Karin Johansson, 2017.

Trouble in paradise: the Canary Island beach accused of illegally importing sand.
The Guardian – Anders Lundqvist and Rowan Bauer, 2017.

Asian demand surge feared as rhino horn auctions resume.
Nikkei Asian Review – Laurine Croes, 2017.

Church quintuples the real cost of Swedes' burials
Atheists reject to fund the organization through tax billions
By Karin Johansson and Ana Veskovic, 2016

Swedish roads - full of illegal billboards!
By Dima Stoianov, October 2016

Black market in Hjällbo
Ana Veskovic and Karin Johansson, September 2016

Swedish welfare system threatened by slavery
Dost and Evangelista, September 2016

The Critical Age
Sandra Pandevski and Johanna Lingaas Türk, September 2016.

Swedish obstacles for Roma people
Munteanu, Stoianov, September 2016.