Development of an innovative and integrative method for forecasting cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) in a changing environment
This is a suggestion for a Degree Project for Bachelor's and Master's levels at the Department of Marine Sciences. Degree projects at the Department of Marine Sciences are done independently and must be written and assessed individually.
Subject: Marine Biology
Level: BSc and MSc students
Start date: Flexible
Supervisor: Ana Tronholm
Project Background
Harmful algal blooms of cyanobacteria (cyanoHABs) are increasing globally, and often produce potent toxins hazardous to human and ecosystem health. Given the diversity and regional variability of cyanoHABs, information on how this diverse group of microorganisms will respond to current and future climate scenarios is still limited. The central hypothesis of this project is that anthropogenic environmental changes, e.g. global warming, ocean acidification, and eutrophication, will favor the growth of toxic cyanobacteria, and therefore the frequency, and distribution of cyanoHABs.
To test this hypothesis, the project will be carried out along the Baltic Sea area, where severe and recurrent cyanoHABs are alarmingly occurring. Although toxin production has been documented for several cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea, undetected cyanoHABs and toxins are suspected to occur.

Aim of the Project
The overarching goal of this project is to determine how current and future climate scenarios will affect the occurrence, abundance and toxicity of harmful algal blooms, through the development of an innovative and integrative method combining state-of-the-art genomics and chemical approaches.
The central hypothesis will be tested by analyzing a wide variety of aquatic cyanobacteria for their production of toxins and test the effect of environmental changes on their growth and biosynthesis of toxins. This is a broad study that can be subdivided in several projects.
As a student in the Phycology Lab you can expect to be involved in field and lab work, and to get hands-on experience on a variety of methodologies including genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, chemical profiling, culturing and morphometrics.
If you are an enthusiastic student interested in developing a BSc or MSc project with us get in touch!
Ana Tronholm