Citizens, Politicians and the Media: Evaluating Democratic Processes
In this course you study research on voter behavior, political psychology, political participation and political representation. The focus is also on the importance of the media for representative democracy and the parties' strategic communication .
The course is offered as a semi-elective course within the Master's programme in Political Science, and as a single subject course.
An important goal of democracy is to realize "the will of the people." But how can this be achieved in reality and how do we achieve that according to normative democratic models? This course focuses on three actors: citizens, politicians and the media. What can research tell us about these actors and how they interact under different circumstances? To what extent and in what ways do the actors, and their relations, fulfill the demands of different models of democracy? What does research reveal about what different democratic values can actually be realized?
In the course you find research on voter behavior, political psychology, political participation, political representation, influence from the media, political journalism and news management. What does this research tell us about these actors and how they interact with each other in different circumstances? How do these actors, and their relationships, live up to the demands of different models of democracy? What do the research findings reveal about how democracy can be improved?
After the course you should be able to formulate and communicate how research on citizens, politicians and the media is relevant for analysis of actual democratic processes. You should also critically discuss the role of citizens, politicians and the media in democratic societies based on advanced research.
Prerequisites and selection
Entry requirements
Admission to the course requires the successful completion of a minimum of 15 credits from courses in the second cycle in Political Science or 15 credits from courses in the second cycle in Media and Communication Studies or 15 credits from courses in the second cycle in European Studies, or equivalent knowledge. Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6/English B.
Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits.
After graduation
The course can be combined with other in-depth courses in political science as well as method and thesis courses on the advanced level.
The Department of Poltical Science is located in Campus Haga, which lies right in the centre of the city of Gothenburg.