Characterization of contaminants of emerging concern in coastal waters
This is a suggestion for a Degree Project for Bachelor's and Master's levels at the Department of Marine Sciences. Degree projects at the Department of Marine Sciences are done independently and must be written and assessed individually.
Subject: Marine Chemistry
Level: Masters project
Supervisor: Tristan McKenzie
Project background
CECs have been gaining increasing attention by scientists, policymakers, and the general public in recent years, but much is still unknown about the environmental fate of these compounds or the scale of environmental impact. These compounds are environmentally pervasive and negative impacts to marine life have been demonstrated even in trace quantities.
Most CEC studies to date focus on CECs in fresh waters, wastewater treatment plants, or drinking water, so there is a huge opportunity to get involved with this kind of research in understudied environments.
Research results may also lead to better understanding of pollutant source(s) of chronic water quality problems in natural waters.

Project description
This project focuses on characterizing contaminants of emerging concern (CECS), which includes compounds such as pharmaceuticals and pesticides, in coastal waters.
Specific project details and scope, such as study site and compounds analyzed can be narrowed to match research interests.
Field work
The project may include field collection and analysis of CECs in groundwater, surface water, and otherenvironmental matrices.
There are also potential opportunities to participate in a research cruise or fieldwork in France in the spring.
Tristan McKenzie
Department of Marine Sciences