Changes in phlorotannin composition in fucoids on induction by herbivores
This is a suggestion for a Degree Project for Bachelor's and Master's levels at the Department of Marine Sciences. Degree projects at the Department of Marine Sciences are done independently and must be written and assessed individually.
Main subject: Marine Biology / Ecology with Analytical Chemistry
Level: Bachelor and Master level
Supervisors: Swantje Enge, Gunilla Toth
Loaction: Tjärnö Marine Laboratory
Project background
Phlorotannins have been suggested as defensive compounds against herbivores in different fucoids because concentrations strongly correlate with antigrazing activity. This defence system has been shown to be inducible by certain herbivores in some fucoids.
However, the role of phlorotannins as chemical defences are still ambiguous since they also fulfil primary functions in fucoids. Due to their polarity and structural complexity phlorotannins (126 Da to 650 kDa) are difficult to separate and characterize.
Project description
The combination of herbivore induction experiments with chemical and physical partitioning, as well as chemical analysis by liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry (LC-MS), offers the opportunity to get further insights into phlorotannin composition and related activity.

- Induction experiments and palatability assays
- Phlorotannin extraction, purification and partitioning of algae
- Bioassays for extract partitions
- Quantification of total phenolic content
- LC-MS analysis of low-molecular weight fractions
Looking for students who are:
- Interested in an interdisciplinary project combing ecology with analytical chemistry
- Including ecological experiments and laboratory work
- Basic chemistry knowledge is advantageous but not required
Swantje Enge
Gunilla Toth