
Impact of organisational resources for operative managers and employees work to support userimpact

Research project
Active research
Project size
997 000
Project period
2020 - 2022
Project owner
Department of Sociology and Work Science

Forte: The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare

Short description

The work and leadership of first line managers is important for sustainable work during the C ovid-19 pandemic and for local organisational improvements. There are large variations in improvement strategies at strategic and operative management levels. These and their interactions seem to impact the successful completion and sustainability of development work, while overload and lack of organizational supportive preconditions may reduce success in development work. The overall objective is to contribute to knowledge about organizational conditions and managerial practices that support leadership during the pandemic and thereby promote high quality care, safety of service as well as capability among users.

What kind of organizational and supportive preconditions influence operative managers' work to sustain and strengthen capability among employees and users? How have changes in organizational and supportive preconditions impacted on managers strategies and practices to support quality, safety of service, and capability among users and employees? The study is carried out in elder care during a comprehensive restructuring of the overall management structure into sectors in the C ity of Gothenburg. In connection with the restructuring, it is planned to organize the best possible organizational conditions for the capability of operative managers to work with improvement work. Method: Analysis of documents, KPI and surveys to managers focusig managers' organizational conditions, management and practices in improvement work, working conditions, commitment, capability (influence, participation, autonomy), overload. This analyzed with SEM, longitudinal and multi-level analyzes. Key performance indicators of user and employee satisfaction and influence are linked to unit level implementation. The study contributes to answer the questions: if, how and for whom are capability improved through strengthened
organizational preconditions.