
CGM seminar: Co-creating caring relationships among Central European-born children and youth within social arenas related to education and worship

Samhälle & ekonomi

Ingrid Höjer och Charlotte Melander, Department of social work, and Oksana Shmulyar Gréen, Department of sociology and work Science present the results of the current research project ''Transnational childhoods''.

28 Oct 2020
10:00 - 11:30
Via Zoom

This presentation draws on emerging findings from the ongoing project Transnational childhoods (FORTE 2018-21). In the project, we actively engage with CEE-born children's own voices and perspectives on reunification with their families in Sweden and creation of affective bonds locally and transnationally. These voices are embedded in young people's own experiences of separation from parents and other kin, their own migration and negotiations of belonging postmigration.