
Mellanseminarium - Hanna Mac Innes (via Zoom)

Samhälle & ekonomi

Avhandlingens titel: ''Aspects of welfare domains in older age - a life course perspective''

11 Sep 2020
09:15 - 12:00
Via zoom

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The overall aim of this thesis is to study aspects of welfare domains in older age, from life course perspective, for foreign-born persons by investigating:

1. How age at immigration to Sweden and getting a first foothold in the labor market is related.
2. How age at migration and the risk of being twice poor is related.
3; How age at immigration and the likelihood of using LTCS is related.
4. How income and receiving LTCS is related, comparing older persons born in low, middle and high-income countries, compared to Swedish-born older persons

Hanna Mac Innes är doktorand vid institutionen för socialt arbete.
Ordförande: Anna Dunér, inst. för socialt arbete
Opponent: Dietmar Rauch, Inst. för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap