
World-leading Bronze Age Researcher teaches Summer Course


You haven’t missed our summer courses in archaeology and ancient history, have you? The 15th of March is the last day to application.

Among others, there is the course European and Mediterranean Bronze Age (AN2016). The course will be given in English and the principal lectures are Serena Sabatini and Sophie Bergerbrant. There will also be lectures by among others Kristian Kristiansen and Helène Whittaker.

– The university of Gothenburg is world known for its state of the art Bronze Age research and we have been thinking for a long time that we should provide such a course and give students the possibility to meet our renowned scholars, says course coordinator Serena Sabatini.

The Bronze Age is a very interesting period in Europe history. There are very few courses in Sweden that give the possibility to expand knowledge about this specific period.

– One thing that characterize the course and that is quite unique is its wide horizon. The students will get the possibility to study, discuss and compare the archaeology of both Bronze Age Europe and the Mediterranean. We will have a specific focus on long distance contacts between different areas, something that has been widely researched by Gothenburg scholars.

Class teaching will take place in Gothenburg between the 5th and the 13th of June 2018. The rest of the course will carried out on-line. Saturday the 9th of June students will be taken out for an day excursion.

Read more aout the course: European and Mediterranean Bronze Age (AN2016)