
Presentation of report on management of pesticide related health and environmental risks in development cooperation

Presentation of report on management of pesticide related health and environmental risks in development cooperation

FRAM researcher Daniel Slunge presented the report “Assessment of safeguarding systems for the use of pesticides within Swedish financed programmes in Tanzania” at a meeting at Sida, April 19.

The report identifies shortcomings in the identification, monitoring and management of pesticide related risks in the reviewed Swedish supported programmes, and provides the following recommendations:

- clarify Sida’s position on the use and management of pesticides.
- make it mandatory for partner organisations to conduct an assessment of health and environmental risks for programmes involving pesticides.
- assure that there is a plan to monitor and manage the identified health and environmental risks.
- include environment and health aspects in contractual agreements with partner organisations
- support government capacity to regulate agrochemical market and promotion of IPM

The report was produced as part of an agreement between Sida and the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences on the provision of advisory services on environment and climate change. Please find the report and more information at

Managing health and environmental risks in programmes involving pesticides - Slunge - April 19, 2016