
Joakim Sandberg receives the Holmes Rolston, III Early Career Essay Prize

The International Society for Environmental Ethics and the Center for Environmental Philosophy are pleased to announce the winner of our first Holmes Rolston III Early Career Essay Prize, Joakim Sandberg¿s essay, ¿My Emissions Make No Difference,¿ which will be published in the Fall 2011 issue of Environmental Ethics.

The International Society for Environmental Ethics and the Center for Environmental Philosophy are pleased to announce the winner of our first Holmes Rolston III Early Career Essay Prize, Joakim Sandberg’s essay, “My Emissions Make No Difference,” which will be published in the Fall 2011 issue of Environmental Ethics.

The essay addresses an important and timely topic, the question of individual responsibility with respect to carbon emissions. Dr Sandberg is a Research Fellow in Practical Philosophy at the University of Gothenburg and an Associate Researcher at the Centre for European Research on Microfinance at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. His research on environmental philosophy has been made possible by financial support from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra/SIRP).

The aim of the annual essay prize is to encourage and support research in environmental philosophy by scholars in the early stages of their career (within five years of having earned the PhD). The prize is named for Holmes Rolston III, in recognition of his pioneering work in the field of environmental philosophy.