A group of students from the Master's Programme in Global Health in 2019, celebrating their graduation.
Graduation ceremony 2019
Photo: Sven Hassler

Good credentials for global health


Proud students who feel involved in an innovative and interdisciplinary education. These are some of the assets highlighted in the external evaluation of our international master's programme in global health.
- The evaluation confirms that we are doing something unique in this programme through the collaboration between different faculties and departments. It creates added value for our students, says Sven Hassler, programme coordinator.

The programme receives good credentials as a classic high-quality academic master's program, where new perspectives on global health are allowed thanks to a unique structure and collaboration between five departments. But the program's high interdisciplinary ambitions also present challenges.

- Running a programme in this involves a high level of cooperation. It needs to function both in terms of subject matter as well as administration. Here, the evaluation points out that there is potential for further development, says Sven Hassler.

Another challenge that the program is asked to work on is to develop the common platform around global health, both among teachers and participating institutions. Specifically, it can involve continuing education, joint seminar series and increased collaboration in research.

The master's programme in global health attracts students from different parts of the world. These students have different professional backgrounds; everything from doctors to social workers and lawyers. The opportunities that this entails as far as exchange of experiences and an expanded professional network are seen as a big plus in the programme.

- However, with such widely differing professional backgrounds, we also need to become better at ensuring that our students have sufficient prerequisites and knowledge before starting some the programme's courses. For example, we might need to work with preparatory courses in statistics or scientific method.

The evaluation also shows that the program needs to strengthen students' training for a practical professional life in global health and develop a closer collaboration with organizations and companies that are active in the field.

- A priority for us now is to start an alumni organization where students can network and help each other to jobs and a continue developing their career, says Sven Hassler.

The evaluation emphasizes the students' participation in the education and teaching as something very positive. What work has been involved in order to achieve this?

- We listen to our students a lot. They bring valuable experience into the programme and we have learned that their perspective is a unique resource for the success of the programme, says Sven Hassler.