studenter vid digital prisutdelning
Studenterna Mathilda Larsson och Ebba Persson vann andra pris i uppsatstävlingen Nytt&Nyttigt.

Award-winning thesis on innovative processes in the public sector

Students Mathilda Larsson and Ebba Persson at the master's program Digital Leadership won second prize in the thesis competition “Nytt&Nyttigt”.

The thesis “How to adopt the adaptive? A qualitative case-study examining how adaptive governance can support digital innovation in the public healthcare sector” focuses on innovative processes in organizations in the public sector.

– During our education we had the chance to work together with the region Västra Götaland and gained interest in innovation and adaptive management. It also helped that we quickly realized that there is not much research on adaptive management in public sector, and we hoped to be able to contribute on that, says Mathilda Larsson and Ebba Persson.

According to the jury, the thesis touches an important area - how public organizations can work to manage their necessary digitalization. The jury also states that the authors problematize the theme in a meritorious way and addresses the necessity of working with new models of governance.

Important to remember when writing a thesis

When asked what is important to keep in mind when writing a master's thesis, the authors believe that good planning goes a long way.

tomas lindroth
Tomas Lindroth, supervisor and senior lecturer in informatics.

– Start in time and provide enough space to collect all the material the study needs. Above all, it is important to establish contacts early with people who may be of interest to the survey and who can help you further. It is also good to meet potential supervisors and talk about what you want to do in advance. In our case, Tomas (Lindroth) was an incredibly big part of the thesis.

Mathilda Larsson and Ebba Persson will receive a scholarship of SEK 30 000 for their efforts. The money will be used for participation in seminars or similar activities.

Encourage innovation and utilization

The purpose of Nytt & Nyttigt is to encourage students at Swedish universities to write essays on innovation, commercialization and utilization. The competition is organized by Esbri, the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research Institute and the research funder Vinnova.

Winning students came from Jönköping University, who in their thesis provided an in-depth understanding of how users, who are involved in the commercialization of products, are utilized in the e-sports industry.

Third prize was given to students at Lund University and highlights challenges for innovations in service-producing activities.

The students Johanna Dahlqvist, Olivia Pivén, Alexander Ivarsson and Emma Rittgård, all from the University of Gothenburg, were among the total of ten students who were awarded honorary mentions by the jury.

A total of 111 thesis from 20 Swedish universities were submitted to the competition.

Read more about the master´s programme Digital Leadership.