Degree project presentations Biology, master´s level
Science and Information Technology
Presentations of Master´s degree projects in biology
Presentations of Master´s degree projects in biology
9.00 Carl Svensson (Evolutionary and behavioural ecology, 60 hp)
Allometric models for aboveground biomass in small and multi-stemmed tree in Rwanda
Ca 10.20 Ella Köster (Evolutionary and behavioural ecology, 30 hp)
The population crisis in sub-Saharan Africa: Biodiversity threats and Swedish foreign aid perceptions
Ca 11.15 Lore van Acker (Conservation biology, 30 hp)
Dynamics in brood chamber pH of the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) in response to ocean acidification
13.00 Ida Vartia (Conservation biology, 60 hp)
Title TBA