
Condensed Matter Physics Seminar - Yong P. Chen

Science and Information Technology

This is part of a virtual seminar series in theoretical condensed matter and atomic physics, with the aim to connect researchers working at different Nordic universities.

31 Mar 2023
13:15 - 14:15
Digitally via Zoom

Emerging Materials for Majoranas and Non-Abelian Anyons


Experimental realization and detection of majorana fermions (who are their own antiparticles) and non-Abelian anyons (which have non-Abelian exchange statistics) are among the major goals in physics.  In recent years, there have emerged a number of solid state material platforms predicted to host quasiparticles behaving like majorana fermions and non-Abelian anyons, with the latter attracting strong interests for potential applications in topologically protected quantum information.   In this talk, I will describe our recent experimental programs studying topological insulators interfaced with superconductors, where a “topological superconductor” is supposed to emerge that can host (itinerant) majorana fermions, which can become non-Abelian anyons when localized as majorana zero modes. I will describe efforts to develop relevant materials and heterostructures, characterize key properties and develop experimental probes (transport including those with spin-sensitive devices and phase-sensitive Josephson junctions, and even STM based local probes) that may help detect and manipulate majoranas and non-Abelian anyons in these material platforms.  If time allows, I may briefly discuss another emerging anyonic material platform -- candidate quantum spin liquid materials such as insulating RuCl3, where spin-based excitations are suggested to give a charge-less version of majorana fermions and non-Abelian anyons under appropriate conditions.

The seminar is held digitally via Zoom


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Condensed Matter Physics Seminar