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- Morten Sager
Morten Sager
Senior Lecturer
Linguistics and Theory of Science unitAbout Morten Sager
In my doctoral dissertation I use actor-network theory (ANT) to try out different ways of understanding how multiple actors, in the USA, related to stem cell research.
Currently, I lead a Forte-funded project on how knowledge supports can be drafted and used in social care services.
Previously I have been involved in a study about the newly implemented system for health insurance in Sweden. In the research project, we are interested in studying how universal standards such as the sick-listing recommendations confront and structure the practical use of the recommendations in physicians everyday clinical experience. The research project consists of two sections, where the first section focuses on the background to the recommendations and on the grounds based on which the recommendations have been developed, and the second section focuses on how physicians perceive the recommendations and their role in the clinical operations and as a basis for dialogue between various actors in the sick-listing process. The project is a collaboration between researchers from the Department of Public Health and Community Medicine and researchers from the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science. The research project is running during 2010-2012.
I have also been involved in a research project about evidence-based medicine (EBM) together with Ingemar Bohlin (The Department of Sociology at The University of Gothenburg ): “A Double Movement: Production and Application of Knowledge within Evidence-Based Medicine”. The project dealt with how EBM was configured and established during (and before) the 1980s and 90s, and how this concept is now being implemented in Swedish health care. A major output of the project is the edited volume Evidensens många ansikten [The Many Faces of Evidence] published in the spring of 2011 on Arkiv förlag with Bohlin and myself as editors.
In the project we identified and analyzed the underlying assumptions about objectivity and reliability of the evidence-based methodology. Actor-network theory (ANT) was the main theoretical resource. Bohlin looked at the path from individual studies (such as Randomized Clinical Studies, RCTs) to the general summaries of reliable evidence. One important contribution by Bohlin, published in Evidensens många ansikten, was the uncovering of a multiplicity in the very origin of the evidence-based movement. At least four historical developments have anticipated and contributed to the movement: the outcomes movement, clinical epidemiology, meta-analysis, and the RCT. These developments cause insoluble tensions that remain in today’s performance of evidence-based medicine. In my research on the implementation of new guidelines these tensions (re-)appear between different actors on various levels.
My part of the project dealt with the movement from the general back to the individual (i.e. the clinical practice) with a special focus on cardiac health care in Sweden. The movement was followed across several levels, from the Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) and the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), via regional health politicians, health care managements and directors, to practicing doctors. Effects intended from higher levels of decision-making are often absent on the lower (not least the lowest) levels. Formulated in ANT-terms, it has been difficult to translate the actors’ interests sufficiently in order to arrive at the coordination of decisions and practices desired by the National Board; black boxes are not always (but sometimes) successfully created. As well the authorities’ actions as lower-level attitudes toward the initiatives build on specific assumptions about the nature of clinical competence and the presumed bases for clinical interventions. Different assumptions can be traced back to the historical developments explored by Bohlin. More specifically, I describe how administrators and the guidelines of the National Board of Health and Welfare rely on relevance typical of the outcomes movement while clinical cardiologists and SBU emphasize the rigour of evidence following from meta-analysis and RCTs. These conflicting views result in disagreements on the pace of implementation of two new device treatments in preventive heart care.
Teaching and learning about the Holocaust: a systematic scoping review of existing
Isabella Pistone, Lars M Andersson, Allan Lidström, Gustaf Nelhans, Tobias Pernler, Jennie Sivenbring, Morten Sager, Christer Mattsson
Holocaust Studies - 2024 -
Antisemitism i Sverige efter den 7 oktober: Upplevelser och
Antisemitism in Sweden after October 7: Experiences and
Reassembling the Scholar : A Conversation About Positionality in Transdisciplinary
Callum Gunn, Sabine Hoffman, Morten Sager, Julia Wittmayer, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak
Transdisciplinarity for Transformation: Responding to Societal Challenges through Multi-actor, Reflexive Practices / Regeer, B.J., Klaassen, P., Broerse, J.E.W. (eds) - 2024 -
Back-stage configuring: a textual analysis of formalisation and professional judgement in two systematic
Annika Linell, Ingemar Bohlin, Morten Sager
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2024 -
Organizing implementation in healthcare: Balancing orders of
Helena Lagerlöf, Lena Eriksson, Morten Sager
Social Science and Medicine - 2024 -
STS scholarship as an agent of the general and
Morten Sager
6th Nordic Conference on Science and Technology Studies: Disruption and Repair in and beyond STS, 7-9 June, Oslo, Norway - 2023 -
Mellan idéburen välfärd och evidens : En breddad syn på
Morten Sager
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2023 -
We Need to Talk about Knowledge! Rethinking Management and Evidence-Based Practice in
Isabella Pistone, Thomas Andersson, Morten Sager
Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration - 2023 -
Evidence-based practice and management-by-knowledge of disability care: rigid constraint or
Isabella Pistone, Allan Lidström, Ingemar Bohlin, Thomas Schneider, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, Morten Sager
Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice - 2022 -
Formaliseringar och bedömningar i manualbaserade metoder: en symmetrisk vetenskapsteoretisk
Isabella Pistone, Allan Lidström, Morten Sager
Fokus på familien : Tidsskrift for familiebehandling - 2022 -
Standardisering på gott och
Morten Sager
AllmänMedicin. Tidskrift för Svensk förening för allmänmedicin - 2022 -
Gott liv utan
Morten Sager
NOD: Tidskrift för tro, kultur och samhälle - 2022 -
Knowing Times: Temporalities of Evidence for Implantable Cardioverter
Morten Sager, T. Zuiderent-Jerak
Science Technology & Human Values - 2021 -
Helena Lagerlöf, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, Morten Sager
Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice - 2021 -
Why Sweden Chose a Different Path Through the
Morten Sager
Research Professional News - 2021 -
Hitta vägen ut ur modernitetens
Morten Sager
NOD: Tidskrift för tro, kultur och samhälle - 2021 -
Från väckelserörelsens
Andreas Nordlander, Morten Sager
NOD: Tidskrift för tro, kultur och samhälle - 2021 -
Education after Auschwitz
– Educational outcomes of teaching to prevent
Isabella Pistone, Lars M Andersson, Allan Lidström, Christer Mattsson, Gustaf Nelhans, Tobias Pernler, Morten Sager, Jennie Sivenbring
2021 -
Materialities of Post-Evidence-Based
Morten Sager, Isabella Pistone, Allan Lidström, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, Thomas Schneider, Lena Eriksson, Ingemar Bohlin
Conference Program 4S/EASST Prague, August, 18-21, 2020, online - 2020 -
Samverkan inom social hållbarhet/folkhälsa : komplex evidensbasering i Skaraborgs
A systematic mapping of substance use, misuse, abuse and addiction prevention research: Current status and implications for future
Isabella Pistone, Agneta Blomberg, Morten Sager
Journal of Substance Use - 2020 -
The effects of educational interventions on suicide: A systematic review and
Isabella Pistone, Ulrika Beckman, Erik Eriksson, Helena Lagerlöf, Morten Sager
International Journal of Social Psychiatry - 2019 -
A scoping review of interventions for preventing and countering violent extremism: Current status and implications for future
Isabella Pistone, Erik Eriksson, Ulrika Beckman, Christer Mattsson, Morten Sager
Journal for deradicalization - 2019 -
Morten Sager, Isabella Pistone
LHC Report Nr 3. Moderna Policies: Inspel för en framtidsinriktad hälso- och sjukvårdsdebatt - 2019 -
Mismatches in the production of a scoping review: Highlighting the interplay of
Morten Sager, Isabella Pistone
Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice - 2019 -
Förebyggande insatser mot alkohol-, narkotika-, dopning- och tobaksanvändning : En kartläggande litteraturöversikt om forskningens omfattning och
Suicidprevention genom utbildning och
Isabella Pistone, Ulrika Beckman, Helena Lagerlöf, Erik Eriksson, Eija Airaksinen, Jenny Telander, Morten Sager
2019 -
Getting real about
Morten Sager
Program för Research ED i Malmö 2015 - 2018 -
Att förebygga våldsbejakande extremism : En systematisk kartläggning av
Erik Eriksson, Ulrika Beckman, Morten Sager
2018 -
Evidensbasering i en rörig
Morten Sager
Tidningen Chefer och Ledare i Vården - 2016 -
En vetenskapsteoretisk väg till postsekulär
Morten Sager
NOD - 2016 -
Fanatism, anti-fanatism och
Morten Sager
NOD - 2015 -
Som att styra ett barnkalas med
Morten Sager, Hans Winberg
Dagens Nyheter - 2015 -
Lagstiftning om evidensbasering ger inte bättre
Ingemar Bohlin, Morten Sager
Dagens Nyheter - 2015 -
Arts and
Gunilla Priebe, Morten Sager
Culture and health: a wider horizon / Ola Sigurdson (ed.) ; translation: Rosemary Nordström - 2015 -
Etiska aspekter av osäker vetenskap och vaccinkontroverser: konstruktivistiska
Morten Sager
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2015 -
Objectivities of a post-normal guideline project: the introduction of a guideline for sick-listing practices in
Morten Sager, Lena Eriksson
Evidence & Policy - 2015 -
Expertis, sjukskrivning och mötet mellan normal och post-normal
Lena Eriksson, Morten Sager, Carin Staland Nyman, Gunnel Hensing
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2014 -
Kunskap och bedömningar i sjukskrivning: En vetenskapsteoretisk studie av det försäkringsmedicinska
Lena Eriksson, Morten Sager, Carin Staland Nyman, Gunnel Hensing
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2014 -
Konst och
Gunilla Priebe, Morten Sager
Kultur och hälsa - ett vidgat perspektiv - 2014 -
Evidensens många
Morten Sager
Tidskrift för kriminalvård - 2013 -
A Framework for Future Studies of Personalised Medicine: Affordance, Travelling, and Governance of
Morten Sager, Fredrik Bragesjö, Aant Elzinga
Emerging Health Technology: Relocation of Innovative Visual Knowledge and Expertise / edited by Kristian Wasen - 2012 -
Between evidence, persons, and things: Travelling, affordance and governance of expertise in personalized
Aant Elzinga, Fredrik Bragesjö, Amelie Hoshor, Dick Kasperowski, Morten Sager
Konferensbidrag till the 4S Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, November 2-5, 2011 - 2011 -
Optimising Health In Europe Through Evidence-Based And Personalized Medical Practices: The Use Of Expertise, Standards And Technologies In Health Promotion And Preventive
Aant Elzinga, Fredrik Bragesjö, Margareta Hallberg, Amelie Hoshor, Dick Kasperowski, Morten Sager
2011 -
Commentary on Francis Lee's paper "Hit by a bandwagon and saved by magicians: On the moral economy of
Morten Sager
International workshop on The moral economy of life science, Vadstena, April 13-15, 2011 - 2011 -
Morten Sager, Ingemar Bohlin
Evidensens många ansikten - 2011 -
Complexities and simplifications in a heart device
Morten Sager
STS seminar series at the department of sociology, Gothenburg University, April 5, 2011. - 2011 -
Evidens i administrativt
Morten Sager
Evidensens många ansikten - 2011 -
Ingemar Bohlin, Morten Sager
Evidensens många ansikten - 2011 -
Evidensens många
Mellan evidens och
Morten Sager
Program för Teknik- och vetenskapshistoriska dagar, 10-12 november, Lindholmen Science Park, Göteborg - 2010 -
En bildad blick på
Morten Sager
På spaning efter teknisk bildning, (red) Ingerman, Å., Wagner, K. & Axelsson, A-S - 2009 -
Evidens i regionalt
Morten Sager
Nationell workshop om evidensbaserad medicin, Göteborg, 20 maj. - 2008 -
Making Evidence
Morten Sager
Abstract Book of Society for Social Studies of Science and European Association for the Study of Science and Technology - 2008 -
Morten Sager
Möte för svenska STS-nätverket, Göteborg, 13-14 november - 2008 -
Pluripotent Circulations: Putting Actor-Network Theory to Work on Stem Cells in the USA, prior to
Morten Sager
2006 -
Pluripotent Circulations: Analyzing Articulations of Stem Cells in the USA, prior to
Morten Sager
2005 -
Stem Cells of
Morten Sager
Public Proofs: Science, Technology and Democracy - 2004