
Marcus Warnby

Deputy Head of Department

Department of Education and Special Education
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25
41117 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

Senior Lecturer

Department of Education and Special Education
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25
41117 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Marcus Warnby

Senior Lecturer with a Ph.D. in Language Education. Deputy Head of Department.

Subjects of interest: academic literacy, teaching and learning, assessment and evaluation, educational assessment, curriculum studies, educational leadership, school management, applied linguistics, multilingualism, amongst others


- Worked as a teacher in Swedish, French, and Latin at the upper secondary level between 1999 and 2009.

- Combined teaching with instructor roles in teacher training programs in Stockholm between 2003 and 2006, and in Gothenburg between 2006 and 2009.

- Led the national standard test material project in French (2008-2012) at the Department of Education and Special Education within the NAFS project.

- Served as a school principal in public schools from 2012-2017 and obtained the national degree certificate as a school principal from Karlstad University in 2015.

- Worked as a Director of Special Education Studies in fall 2017 and served as Vice Head of Department focusing on teacher training programs in Spring 2018 (Department of Education and Special Education).

- Applied for a doctoral student position at Stockholm University, Department of Language Education, in August 2018, and successfully defended the thesis 'English Academic Vocabulary Knowledge among Swedish Upper Secondary School Students' on March 31, 2023.

- From 2023, full time at the department, teaching mainly in teacher education and in school management.

- From July 2024, I also serve as the Deputy Head of Department.


Scopus ID:


Articles (and doctoral dissertation):

Warnby, M. (2024). Exploring student agency in narratives of English literacy events across school subjects. Education Sciences, 14(5): 447.

Warnby, M. (2024). Relating academic reading with academic vocabulary and general English proficiency to assess standards of students’ university-preparedness – the case of IELTS and CEFR B2. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1–18,

Malmström, H., Pecorari, D., & Warnby, M. (2023) Teachers’ receptive and productive vocabulary sizes in English-medium instruction. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1–19

Warnby, M. (2023). English academic vocabulary knowledge among Swedish upper secondary school students (Doctoral dissertation). Stockholm University.

Warnby, M., Malmström, H., & Yang Hansen, K. (2023). Linking scores from two written receptive English academic vocabulary tests – the VLT-Ac and the AVT. Language Testing, 40(3), 548–575.

Warnby, M. (2023). Academic vocabulary knowledge among adolescents in university preparatory programmes. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 61(2023):101203, 1–14.

Warnby, M., Malmström, H., & Bardel, C. (2022). Ett svenskt akademiskt vokabulärtest – revidering, validering och förslag på vidareutveckling. Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, 8(1), 106–127.

Warnby, M. (2022). Receptive academic vocabulary knowledge and extramural English involvement – is there a correlation? ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 173(1), 120–152.

Warnby, M. (2006). Frågans värde i språkklassrummet. Lingua, 3/2006. LMS (Lärarna i Moderna språk).

Conference presentations, reports, and other:

Warnby. M. (2024). Behovet av en medveten högskolepedagogik för att stötta läsningen av kurslitteratur på engelska (Conference paper presentation). NU2024 (nationell konferens för högskolepedagogisk utbildning och utveckling), Umeå, Sweden, June 17-19, 2024.

Warnby, M. (2023). Academic vocabulary knowledge in pre-tertiary education: Unveiling disparities in knowledge despite shared curriculum (Conference paper presentation). Multilingual Education in Sweden – Assets and Challenges, Stockholm, November 22-23, 2023. (Book of Abstracts:!/menu/standard/file/multilingual-education-in-sweden-book-of-abstracts-uppdaterad.pdf)

Eriksson, L., Warnby, M. & Busby (2023). Preparing students for academic reading in English: A comparative study of Swedish and Norwegian university-preparatory curricula (Conference paper presentation). International Symposium on Comparative Didactics (ISCOD), Örebro, Sweden, January 11-12, 2023

Warnby, M. (2022). How does CEFR-B2 relate to IELTS band scores and academic vocabulary scores (Conference paper presentation). The Paris Conference on Education, 2022-06-16 - 2022-06-19.

Warnby, M. & Lemmouh, Z. (2021). What? of academic lexis in curriculum learning outcome – the case of Sweden (Conference paper presentation). 3rd International Conference on Language Education and Research (LERC2021), Athens, Greece (Online). 2021-10-01 - 2021-10-03.

Warnby, M. (2021). Do leisure activities promote upper secondary students’ acquisition of academic vocabulary? (Conference paper presentation). AILA 2021 (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée); Groningen, the Netherlands. 2021-08-15 - 2021-08-20.

Warnby, M. (2019). Exploring the Swedish and English passive academic vocabulary of upper secondary students (Conference paper presentation). EuroSLA29; Lund, Sweden. 2019-08-28 - 2019-08-31.

Warnby, M. (2019). Investigating upper secondary students' Swedish and English receptive academic vocabulary. Vocab@Leuven 2019; Leuven, Belgium. 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-03. (Poster presentation)

Warnby, M. (2019). Piloting, investigating and analyzing an academic Swedish word test. QRM 2019 - Quantitative Research Methods in Education Conference 2019, Gothenburg university, Sweden. 2019-06-17. (Poster presentation)

Warnby, M. (2010). Rapport om provmaterialet i franska åk 9/steg 2 vårterminen 2008/09. Skolverket.

Warnby, M (2009). Vad händer i den nationella provbanken i moderna språk? LMS-konferensen "Upplev språk", 21–22 mars 2009, Uppsala. (Poster presentation)

Holmé, A. & Warnby, M. (2008). Rapport om provmaterialet i franska steg 3 vårterminen 2007. Skolverket.

Lodeiro, J. & Warnby, M. (2008). Om nationellt bedömningsstöd för grundskolan och gymnasiet – nationellt provmaterial i moderna språk åk 9/steg 2. Lingua, 1/2008. LMS (Lärarna i Moderna språk).

Sundblad, B. & Warnby, M. (2006). Tröskelvärden och kvalitativ progression i lärarutbildningen (Paper presentation). Högskolverket: Den sjunde kvalitetskonferensen, Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm, 6-7/4 2006.