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- Karl Börjesson
Karl Börjesson
Department of Chemistry & Molecular BiologyAbout Karl Börjesson
I am leading a group in which we construct molecules or molecular based systems that are able to perform highly specialized functions. The research questions are of fundamental nature, and competence of the group involves both the synthesis of complex molecules and the photophysical/electrical characterization of the molecular based systems. Most often we are working with photoactive organic molecules and even though each molecule is able to perform a task on its own, our aim is not to use the single molecules but ensembles of molecules to create materials for the future. For more information on individual research projects see below, and for the most recent work see my google scholar page.
Strong exciton-photon coupling: Chemistry has had profound impact on society during the last two centuries. From mass production of drugs and pigments, to the invention of plastics, and more recently with the introduction of molecular electronics. However, some basic physical laws govern possible utilizations. It is therefore of great importance to examine how to bend these laws, how to bypass them and by so doing open up new opportunities for novel applications. A common way of envision the creation of molecular orbitals is through the hybridization of atomic orbitals. It is perhaps less known that electronic states in molecules and atoms can hybridize with light or vacuum fields to create hybrid light matter states. So called strong exciton-photon coupling occurs when light-matter interactions are large, and it is manifested through new hybrid light-matter states called cavity polaritons. Our aim is to understand how polaritons interacts with more normal molecular states. For instance, we have shown that strong light-matter coupling enables selective manipulation of energy levels. By so doing allowing for a singlet ground and first excited state, thus challenge Hund’s rule and change how the basic rules of electronic state energetics are envisioned. This enables channelling of all excitation energy, irrespectively of origin, through a singlet pathway, which is of great technological importance in organic electronics.
Resonance energy transfer: Excitation energy transfer through dipole-dipole interactions can efficiently mediate energy between molecules at fairly large distances. In this so called Förster type energy transfer the transition dipole moments on the energy donor and acceptor couple so that excitation energy is transferred between the two molecules. The efficiency of the energy transfer depends not only on the strength of the transition dipole moments, but also on their relative orientation. Our research efforts aim at both studying this process at a fundamental level and also use it to increase the efficiency of molecular electronic devices. Recent advances includes the demonstration that the process works between states of different multiplicity.
Covalent Organic Frameworks: Nanostructured materials made from highly controlled synthetic and supramolecular chemical reactions are becoming increasingly important to solve challenges related to energy storage and clean air. An upcoming material that already has shown a high potential in many of these aspects is the covalent organic framework (COF), which is a metal free, lightweight development from the metal organic framework (MOF). We have developed a platform for synthesizing smooth films of 3D organic covalent frameworks, and by doing so, have opened up a range of new research directions where substrate connection, and film connectivity is a requirement.
Photon Upconversion: Triplet-triplet annihilation photon upconversion (TTA-UC) provides the possibility to convert low to high energy photons at low irradiation conditions. It is thus considered as a promising method to increase the efficiency of solar energy conversion systems like photocatalysis and solar cells. Our research aims at developing concepts for making this, in solution highly efficient, process efficient in the solid state. By doing so, we would bridge academic interest for the fundamental process with real world usability.
Organic Dye Glasses: Materia can be present as gas, liquid, and solids. The ability of a molecule to interact with light depends in which state it is present in. It is specifically important to be able to make materials, where the intrinsic photophysical properties are present even in the solid state. In order to do so, we have introduced a concept where we use entropy to direct the material to form a glass rather than a crystalline state, and by so doing we can create dye glasses, in which the individual molecules retain their intrinsic photophysical properties.
My labs are equipped for research through the whole value chain. For synthesis of organic molecules, we have fully equipped synthesis labs, including automated purification systems, dry solvent setups, manifolds, and access to mass spectroscopy and NMR. For processing of molecules into materials, we have a spin coater, a molecular evaporator, and a metal sputterer. For probing molecules, we have UV/Vis/Nir spectrophotometers including a universal reflectance accessory (PE lambda 650 and 950), an optical microscope (Zeiss), a spectrofluorometer (EI FLS1000) including time correlated single photon counting function, a setup for laser flash photolysis (Spectra physics + EI LP980), a cryostat, an integrating sphere, and a probe station.
Present funding includes ERC Consolidator grant, Wallenberg Academy Fellow grant, The Swedish Research Council Project grant, and the Göran Gustafsson prize. I have in the past received an ERC Starting grant, the Ingvar Carlsson award grant, and the Swedish foundations starting grant.
Group members
PhD students: Rahul Bhuyan, Jie Xu, Yuanxin Liang, Hanna Tideland
Post Docs: Andrew Carrod, Nicola Peruffo, Krishnapriya Kunnumma, Vishnu Nair Gopalakrishnan
Permanent Staff: Rasmus Ringström
PhD students: Manuel Hertzog, Alexei Cravcenco, Martin Ratsch, Jürgen Mony, Yi Yu, Clara Schäfer
Post Docs: Kati Stranius, Khushbu Khushwaha, Pedro Navarro, Suman Mallick, Chen Ye, Mao Wang, Arpita Munkherjee
Markus Kowalewski (Stockholm University)
Johannes Feist (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Jaime Gómez Rivas (Eindhoven University of Technology)
I am responsible and am lecturing in KER230 (organic chemistry for prescriptionists). I am also teaching kinetics in KER220 (basic chemistry) and spectroscopy in KEM040 (physical chemistry).
The effect of the oxidation level of the graphene oxide substrate on in situ growth of
Ying Quan, Yizhou Yang, Qinfu Liu, Karl Börjesson
Separating triplet exciton diffusion from triplet-triplet annihilation by the introduction of a
Andrew J. Carrod, Anton M. Berghuis, Vishnu Nair Gopalakrishnan, Andrew Monkman, Andrew Danos, Karl Börjesson
Lowering of the singlet-triplet energy gap via intramolecular exciton-exciton
Clara Schäfer, Rasmus Ringstrom, Jörg Hanrieder, Martin Rahm, Bo Albinsson, Karl Börjesson
Deuteration as a General Strategy to Enhance Azobenzene-Based
Kilian Rossmann, Alberto J. Gonzalez-Hernandez, Rahul Bhuyan, Caspar Schattenberg, Han Sun, Karl Börjesson, Joshua Levitz, Johannes Broichhagen
The Effect of the Relative Size of the Exciton Reservoir on Polariton
Rahul Bhuyan, M. Lednev, J. Feist, Karl Börjesson
Advanced Optical Materials - 2024 -
Layered 3D Covalent Organic Framework Films Based on Carbon-Carbon
Yizhou Yang, Martin Ratsch, Austin M. Evans, Karl Börjesson
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2023 -
The Rise and Current Status of Polaritonic Photochemistry and
Rahul Bhuyan, Jürgen Mony, Oleg Kotov, Gabriel W. Castellanos, Jaime Gómez Rivas, Timur O. Shegai, Karl Börjesson
Chemical Reviews - 2023 -
Quantitative Investigation of the Rate of Intersystem Crossing in the Strong Exciton-Photon Coupling
Arpita Mukherjee, J. Feist, Karl Börjesson
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2023 -
A self-standing three-dimensional covalent organic framework
Yizhou Yang, Y. Y. Chen, F. Izquierdo-Ruiz, Clara Schäfer, M. Rahm, Karl Börjesson
Nature Communications - 2023 -
Recent advances in triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion and singlet fission, towards solar energy
Andrew J. Carrod, V. Gray, Karl Börjesson
Energy & Environmental Science - 2022 -
Modulating TTA efficiency through control of high energy triplet
Andrew J. Carrod, Alexei Cravcenco, C. Ye, Karl Börjesson
Journal of Materials Chemistry C - 2022 -
Detachable all-carbon-linked 3D covalent organic framework films for semiconductor/COF heterojunctions by continuous flow
Yizhou Yang, Clara Schäfer, Karl Börjesson
Chem - 2022 -
Electroactive Covalent Organic Framework Enabling Photostimulus-Responsive
Yizhou Yang, Amritha P. Sandra, A. Idström, Clara Schäfer, M. Andersson, L. Evenäs, Karl Börjesson
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2022 -
Optical cavity-mediated exciton dynamics in photosynthetic light harvesting 2
F. Wu, D. Finkelstein-Shapiro, Mao Wang, I. Rosenkampff, A. Yartsev, T. Pascher, T. C. Nguyen- Phan, R. Cogdell, Karl Börjesson, T. Pullerits
Nature Communications - 2022 -
Chemical transformer compression for accelerating both training and inference of molecular
Yi Yu, Karl Börjesson
Machine Learning: Science and Technology - 2022 -
Effect of the Aza-N-Bridge and Push-Pull Moieties: A Comparative Study between BODIPYs and
Clara Schäfer, Jürgen Mony, Thomas Olsson, Karl Börjesson
Journal of Organic Chemistry - 2022 -
Room Temperature Dye Glasses: A Guideline Toward the Fabrication of Amorphous Dye Films with Monomeric Absorption and
Clara Schäfer, S. Hultmark, Yizhou Yang, C. Muller, Karl Börjesson
Chemistry of Materials - 2022 -
Interplay between Polaritonic and Molecular Trap
Jürgen Mony, Yi Yu, Clara Schäfer, Suman Mallick, Khushbu Kushwaha, Karl Börjesson
Journal of Physical Chemistry C - 2022 -
Organic charged polaritons in the ultrastrong coupling
Mao Wang, Suman Mallick, A. F. Kockum, Karl Börjesson
Physical Review Research - 2022 -
Electroactive covalent organic frameworks: a new choice for organic
Yizhou Yang, Karl Börjesson
Kinetics and Efficiency of Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Photon Upconversion under Pulsed Excitation
Chen Ye, Bo Albinsson, Karl Börjesson
Photoisomerization Efficiency of a Solar Thermal Fuel in the Strong Coupling
Jürgen Mony, C. Climent, A. U. Petersen, K. Moth-Poulsen, J. Feist, Karl Börjesson
Advanced Functional Materials - 2021 -
Vitrification of octonary perylene mixtures with ultralow
S. Hultmark, Alexei Cravcenco, Khushbu Kushwaha, Suman Mallick, P. Erhart, Karl Börjesson, C. Muller
Science Advances - 2021 -
Exciton Delocalization Counteracts the Energy Gap: A New Pathway toward NIR-Emissive
Alexei Cravcenco, Yi Yu, F. Edhborg, Jonas Goebel, Zoltan Takacs, Yizhou Yang, B. Albinsson, Karl Börjesson
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2021 -
Resource A fine-tuned azobenzene for enhanced in
V. A. Gutzeit, A. Acosta-Ruiz, H. Munguba, S. Hafner, A. Landra-Willm, B. Mathes, J. Mony, D. Yarotski, Karl Börjesson, C. Liston, G. Sandoz, J. Levitz, J. Broichhagen
Cell Chemical Biology - 2021 -
Polariton-assisted excitation energy channeling in organic
Mao Wang, Manuel Hertzog, Karl Börjesson
Nature Communications - 2021 -
Enhancing Vibrational Light-Matter Coupling Strength beyond the Molecular Concentration Limit Using Plasmonic
Manuel Hertzog, B. Munkhbat, D. Baranov, T. Shegai, Karl Börjesson
Nano Letters - 2021 -
Direct Transition from Triplet Excitons to Hybrid Light-Matter States via Triplet-Triplet
Chen Ye, Suman Mallick, Manuel Hertzog, M. Kowalewski, Karl Börjesson
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2021 -
Barrier-free reverse-intersystem crossing in organic molecules by strong light-matter
Yi Yu, Suman Mallick, Mao Wang, Karl Börjesson
Nature Communications - 2021 -
A Highly Conductive All-Carbon Linked 3D Covalent Organic Framework
Yizhou Yang, Suman Mallick, F. Izquierdo-Ruiz, Clara Schäfer, X. Xing, M. Rahm, Karl Börjesson
Small - 2021 -
Interplay between Forster and Dexter Energy Transfer Rates in Isomeric Donor-Bridge-Acceptor
Alexei Cravcenco, Chen Ye, Jürgen Gräfenstein, Karl Börjesson
Journal of Physical Chemistry A - 2020 -
The Effect of Coupling Mode in the Vibrational Strong Coupling
Manuel Hertzog, Karl Börjesson
Chemphotochem - 2020 -
All-Carbon-Linked Continuous Three-Dimensional Porous Aromatic Framework Films with Nanometer-Precise Controllable
Martin Ratsch, Chen Ye, Yizhou Yang, A. R. Zhang, A. M. Evans, Karl Börjesson
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2020 -
Optimizing photon upconversion by decoupling excimer formation and triplet triplet
Chen Ye, V. Gray, Khushbu Kushwaha, S. Kumar Singh, P. Erhart, Karl Börjesson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2020 -
Entropic Mixing Allows Monomeric-Like Absorption in Neat BODIPY
Clara Schäfer, Jürgen Mony, Thomas Olsson, Karl Börjesson
Chemistry-a European Journal - 2020 -
UV Light Generation and Challenging Photoreactions Enabled by Upconversion in
B. Pfund, D. M. Steffen, M. R. Schreier, M. S. Bertrams, Chen Ye, Karl Börjesson, O. S. Wenger, C. Kerzig
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2020 -
Energy relaxation pathways between light-matter states revealed by coherent two-dimensional
L. Mewes, Mao Wang, R. A. Ingle, Karl Börjesson, M. Chergui
Communications Physics - 2020 -
A Record Chromophore Density in High-Entropy Liquids of Two Low-Melting Perylenes: A New Strategy for Liquid
Khushbu Kushwaha, L. Y. Yu, Kati Stranius, Sandeep Kumar Singh, S. Hultmark, M. N. Iqbal, L. Eriksson, E. Johnston, P. Erhart, C. Muller, Karl Börjesson
Advanced Science - 2019 -
Multiplicity conversion based on intramolecular triplet-to-singlet energy
Alexei Cravcenco, Manuel Hertzog, Chen Ye, M. N. Iqbal, U. Mueller, L. Eriksson, Karl Börjesson
Science Advances - 2019 -
Annihilation Versus Excimer Formation by the Triplet Pair in Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Photon
Chen Ye, V. Gray, J. Martensson, Karl Börjesson
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2019 -
Strong light-matter interactions: A new direction within
Manuel Hertzog, Mao Wang, Jürgen Mony, Karl Börjesson
Chemical Society Reviews - 2019 -
Macroscopic heat release in a molecular solar thermal energy storage
Zhihang Wang, Anna Roffey, Raul Losantos, Anders Lennartson, Martyn Jevric, Anne U. Petersen, Maria Quant, Ambra Dreos, Xin Wen, Diego Sampedro, Karl Börjesson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Energy and Environmental Science - 2019 -
Demonstration of an azobenzene derivative based solar thermal energy storage
Zhihang Wang, Raul Losantos, Diego Sampedro, Masa Aki Morikawa, Karl Börjesson, Nobuo Kimizuka, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Journal of Materials Chemistry A - 2019 -
Liquid Norbornadiene Photoswitches for Solar Energy
A. Dreos, Z. H. Wang, J. Udmark, A. Strom, P. Erhart, Karl Börjesson, M. B. Nielsen, K. Moth-Poulsen
Advanced Energy Materials - 2018 -
Angle-Independent Polariton Emission Lifetime Shown by Perylene Hybridized to the Vacuum Field Inside a Fabry-Perot
Jürgen Mony, Manuel Hertzog, Khushbu Kushwaha, Karl Börjesson
Journal of Physical Chemistry C - 2018 -
Norbornadiene-Based Photoswitches with Exceptional Combination of Solar Spectrum Match and Long-Term Energy
M. Jevric, A. U. Petersen, M. Manso, S. K. Singh, Z. H. Wang, A. Dreos, C. Sumby, M. B. Nielsen, Karl Börjesson, P. Erhart, K. Moth-Poulsen
Chemistry-a European Journal - 2018 -
Selective manipulation of electronically excited states through strong light-matter
Kati Stranius, Manuel Hertzog, Karl Börjesson
Nature Communications - 2018 -
Release of Terminal Alkynes via Tandem Photodeprotection and Decarboxylation of o-Nitrobenzyl Arylpropiolates in a Flow Microchannel
B. E. Tebikachew, Karl Börjesson, N. Kann, K. Moth-Poulsen
Bioconjugate chemistry - 2018 -
Electronic Light-Matter Strong Coupling in Nanofluidic Fabry-Pérot
H. Bahsoun, T. Chervy, A. Thomas, Karl Börjesson, M. Hertzog, J. George, E. Devaux, C. Genet, J. A. Hutchison, T. W. Ebbesen
ACS Photonics - 2018 -
Effect of Ring Strain on the Charge Transport of a Robust Norbornadiene-Quadricyclane-Based Molecular
B. E. Tebikachew, H. P. B. Li, A. Pirrotta, Karl Börjesson, G. C. Solomon, J. Hihath, K. Moth-Poulsen
Journal of Physical Chemistry C - 2017 -
Evaluating Dihydroazulene/Vinylheptafulvene Photoswitches for Solar Energy Storage
Z. H. Wang, J. Udmark, Karl Börjesson, R. Rodrigues, A. Roffey, M. Abrahamsson, M. B. Nielsen, K. Moth-Poulsen
Chemsuschem - 2017 -
Voltage-Controlled Switching of Strong Light-Matter Interactions using Liquid
Manuel Hertzog, P. Rudquist, J. A. Hutchison, J. George, T. W. Ebbesen, Karl Börjesson
Chemistry - a European Journal - 2017 -
Unraveling factors leading to efficient norbornadiene-quadricyclane molecular solar-thermal energy storage
K. Jorner, A. Dreos, R. Emanuelsson, O. El Bakouri, I. F. Galvan, Karl Börjesson, F. Feixas, R. Lindh, B. Zietz, K. Moth-Poulsen, H. Ottosson
Journal of Materials Chemistry A - 2017 -
Specific Imaging of Intracellular Lipid Droplets Using a Benzothiadiazole Derivative with Solvatochromic
H. Appelqvist, Kati Stranius, Karl Börjesson, K. P. R. Nilsson, C. Dyrager
Bioconjugate Chemistry - 2017 -
Fluorescent RNA cytosine analogue - an internal probe for detailed structure and dynamics
A. F. Fuchtbauer, S. Preus, Karl Börjesson, S. A. McPhee, D. M. J. Lilley, L. M. Wilhelmsson
Scientific Reports - 2017 -
Improving the electrical performance of solution processed oligothiophene thin-film transistors via structural similarity
T. Leydecker, L. Favaretto, D. T. Duong, G. Zappalà, Karl Börjesson, A. Licciardello, A. Salleo, M. Melucci, E. Orgiu, P. Samorì
Journal of Materials Chemistry C - 2017 -
Exploring the potential of a hybrid device combining solar water heating and molecular solar thermal energy
A. Dreos, Karl Börjesson, Z. H. Wang, A. Roffey, Z. Norwood, D. Kushnir, K. Moth-Poulsen
Energy & Environmental Science - 2017 -
Determining the Photoisomerization Quantum Yield of Photoswitchable Molecules in Solution and in the Solid
Kati Stranius, Karl Börjesson
Scientific Reports - 2017 -
Intramolecular Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion in 9,10-Diphenylanthracene Oligomers and
Damir Dzebo, Karl Börjesson, Victor Gray, Kasper Moth-Poulsen, Bo Albinsson
Journal of Physical Chemistry C - 2016 -
Low Molecular Weight Norbornadiene Derivatives for Molecular Solar-Thermal Energy
Maria Quant, Anders Lennartson, Ambra Dreos, Mikael Kuisma, Paul Erhart, Karl Börjesson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Chemistry-a European Journal - 2016 -
Photon upconversion with directed
Karl Börjesson, Per Rudquist, Victor Gray, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Nature Communications - 2016 -
Porphyrin-Anthracene Complexes: Potential in Triplet-Triplet Annihilation
Victor Gray, Karl Börjesson, Damir Dzebo, Maria Abrahamsson, Bo Albinsson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Journal of Physical Chemistry C - 2016 -
Tuning the photochemical properties of the fulvalene-tetracarbonyl-diruthenium
Anders Lennartson, Angelica Lundin, Karl Börjesson, Victor Gray, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Dalton Transactions - 2016 -
Optically switchable transistors comprising a hybrid photochromic molecule/n-type organic active
Karl Börjesson, M. Herder, L. Grubert, D.T. Duong, A. Salleo, S. Hecht, E. Orgiu, P. Samorì
Journal of Materials Chemistry C - 2015 -
Optically switchable transistors by simple incorporation of photochromic systems into small-molecule semiconducting
M. El Gemayel, Karl Börjesson, M. Herder, D.T. Duong, J.A. Hutchison, C. Ruzié, G. Schweicher, A. Salleo, Y. Geerts, S. Hecht, E. Orgiu, P. Samorì
Nature Communications - 2015 -
The dramatic effect of the annealing temperature and dielectric functionalization on the electron mobility of indene-C60 bis-adduct thin
E. Orgiu, M.A. Squillaci, W. Rekab, Karl Börjesson, F. Liscio, L. Zhang, P. Samorì
Chemical Communications - 2015 -
Exploring the Potential of Fulvalene Dimetals as Platforms for Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage: Computations, Syntheses, Structures, Kinetics, and
Karl Börjesson, D. Coso, Victor Gray, J. C. Grossman, J. Q. Guan, C. B. Harris, N. Hertkorn, Z. R. Hou, Y. Kanai, D. Lee, J. P. Lomont, A. Majumdar, S. K. Meier, Kasper Moth-Poulsen, R. L. Myrabo, S. C. Nguyen, R. A. Segalman, V. Srinivasan, W. B. Tolman, N. Vinokurov, K. P. C. Vollhardt, T. W. Weidman
Chemistry-a European Journal - 2014 -
Photon up-conversion and molecular solar thermal energy storage: New materials and
Karl Börjesson, Anders Lennartson, Victor Gray, Damir Dzebo, Maria Abrahamsson, Bo Albinsson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2014 - 2014 -
Photon up-converting devices for solar
Karl Börjesson, Damir Dzebo, Bo Albinsson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
SPIE Newsroom - 2014 -
Diaryl-substituted norbornadienes with red-shifted absorption for molecular solar thermal energy
Victor Gray, Anders Lennartson, P. Ratanalert, Karl Börjesson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Chemical Communications - 2014 -
Fluorinated fulvalene ruthenium compound for molecular solar thermal
Karl Börjesson, Anders Lennartson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry - 2014 -
Conjugated anthracene dendrimers with monomer-like
Karl Börjesson, Melina Gilbert Gatty, Damir Dzebo, Bo Albinsson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
RSC Advances - 2014 -
Photon upconversion facilitated molecular solar energy
Karl Börjesson, Damir Dzebo, Bo Albinsson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Journal of Materials Chemistry - 2013 -
Efficiency Limit of Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Collecting
Karl Börjesson, Anders Lennartson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering - 2013 -
Functionalized DNA Nanostructures for Light Harvesting and Charge
Bo Albinsson, Karl Börjesson, Jonas K. Hannestad
Coordination Chemistry Reviews - 2012 -
Reversible Hybridization of DNA Anchored to a Lipid Membrane via
Jakob Woller, Karl Börjesson, Sofia Svedhem, Bo Albinsson
Langmuir - 2012 -
Molecular solar thermal (MOST) energy storage and release
Kasper Moth-Poulsen, D. Coso, Karl Börjesson, N. Vinokurov, S. K. Meier, A. Majumdar, K. P. C. Vollhardt, R. A. Segalman
Energy & Environmental Science - 2012 -
A Bioinspired Self Assembled Dimeric Porphyrin Pocket that Binds Electron Accepting
Karl Börjesson, Jakob Woller, Elham Parsa, Jerker Mårtensson, Bo Albinsson
Chemical Communications - 2012 -
Fluorescent DNA Modifications for Use as Probes of Biological Structure and as Nanotechnological Functional
Karl Börjesson
2011 -
Soft-Surface DNA Nanotechnology: DNA Constructs Anchored and Aligned to Lipid
Karl Börjesson, Erik Lundberg, Jakob Woller, Bengt Nordén, Bo Albinsson
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition - 2011 -
Characterization of Nucleobase Analogue FRET Acceptor
S. Preus, Karl Börjesson, K. Kilså, Bo Albinsson, Marcus Wilhelmsson
Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 2010 -
Functionalized Nanostructures: Redox-Active Porphyrin Anchors for Supramolecular DNA
Karl Börjesson, Joanna Wiberg, A. H. El-Sagheer, Thomas Ljungdahl, Jerker Mårtensson, T. Brown, Bengt Nordén, Bo Albinsson
ACS Nano - 2010 -
Nucleic acid structure and sequence probing using fluorescent base analogue
Karl Börjesson, Peter Sandin, Marcus Wilhelmsson
Biophysical Chemistry - 2009 -
Membrane-Anchored DNA Assembly for Energy and Electron
Karl Börjesson, John Tumpane, Thomas Ljungdahl, Marcus Wilhelmsson, Bengt Nordén, T. Brown, Jerker Mårtensson, Bo Albinsson
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2009 -
Thermodynamic Aspects of DNA Nanoconstruct Stability and
Peter Sandin, John Tumpane, Karl Börjesson, Marcus Wilhelmsson, T. Brown, Bengt Nordén, Bo Albinsson, Per Lincoln
Journal of Physical Chemistry C - 2009 -
2,6,8-Trisubstituted 3-hydroxychromone derivatives as fluorophores for live-cell
Christine Dyrager, Annika Friberg, Kristian Dahlén, Maria Fridén-Saxin, Karl Börjesson, Marcus Wilhelmsson, Maria Smedh, Morten Grøtli, Kristina Luthman
Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) - 2009 -
Highly efficient incorporation of the fluorescent nucleotide analogs tC and tC(O) by Klenow
Peter Sandin, G. Stengel, Thomas Ljungdahl, Karl Börjesson, Bertil Macao, Marcus Wilhelmsson
Nucleic Acids Research - 2009 -
Nucleic Acid Base Analog FRET-Pair Facilitating Detailed Structural Measurements in Nucleic Acid Containing
Karl Börjesson, S. Preus, A. H. El-Sagheer, T. Brown, Bo Albinsson, Marcus Wilhelmsson
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2009 -
Synthesis and Photophysical Characterisation of Fluorescent 8-(1H-1,2,3-Triazol-4-yl)adenosine
Christine Dyrager, Karl Börjesson, P. Diner, A. Elf, Bo Albinsson, Marcus Wilhelmsson, Morten Grøtli
European Journal of Organic Chemistry - 2009 -
Characterization and Use of an Unprecedentedly Bright and Structurally Non-Perturbing Fluorescent DNA Base
Peter Sandin, Karl Börjesson, Hong Li, Jerker Mårtensson, Tom Brown, Marcus Wilhelmsson, Bo Albinsson
Nucleic Acids Research - 2008