Admission autumn 2025: Key dates for international degree students
Have you applied for a degree programme starting Autumn 2025? On this page, you will find an overview with key dates regarding the admission. Before the admissions results, we will update this page with information about webinars, our new community platform for international students and what happens until the semester starts in September.
3 February – Deadline to send supporting documents
You need to have submitted your application to a programme before January 15, but you have until 3 February to complete the application with documentation and pay the application fee, or prove that you don't have to pay.
- Paying your application fee on universityadmissions.se
- Document fee exempt status on universityadmissions.se
10 February – Application portal for SI Scholarships open
SI Scholarship
11 February – Apply for Axel Adler Scholarship
Students who have applied to a programme at the University of Gothenburg as their first priority through universityadmissions.se and fulfill the requirements, will receive an email with application instructions around 11 February, 2025.
27 March - Master's admission results
Results for the first admissions round on Master's level.
Understanding your admission result
Reserve, deleted, conditionally admitted - what does it mean?
3 April - Bachelor's admissions results
Results for the first admission round on Bachelor's level.
4 April - Axel Adler scholarship results (Master's)
Results for the Axel Adler scholarship for tuition-fee paying students.
9 April - Axel Adler scholarship results (Bachelor's)
Results for the Axel Adler scholarship for tuition-fee paying students.
24 April - SI Scholarship Announcements
Results for the Swedish Institute's Scholarships are published.
1 May - Deadline to pay tuition fee
For those required to pay tuition fee, 1 May is the deadline to pay. When you have received the notification of selection results, an email will be sent out with payment instructions.
You find relevant contact points on our general contact page: Contact
If you don't know who to turn to with your question, you are always welcome to contact our Servicecenter.