
Jonathan Arvidsson

Doctoral Student

Department of Medical Radiation Sciences
Visiting address
Gula stråket 2b, SU/Sahlgrenska
41345 Göteborg
Postal address
Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuet
41345 Göteborg

About Jonathan Arvidsson

Jonathan is a biomedical engineer and PhD, employed at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. His research is carried out within the development and application of magnetic resonance perfusion imaging. More informationm can be found on Google Scholar, PubMed och ResearchGate.

He also contributes to courses within the medical physics program, Bildfysik (RFA843), and MR-fysik (RFA844), as well as in the Chalmers Master program in Biomedical Engineering within the course Magnetic Resonance Imaging (EEN200).

Besides research and education, he has been involved in adressing Sahlgrenska Hospital's and VGR's need for IT-infrastructure to support medical research data management. The initative started as a Sahlgrenska project called Interdiscipline Research Informatics Services (IRIS) and has since been regionalised. From 2025 and onwards, IT-infrastructure to support research use-cases will be developed and implemented in-house with the VGR IT-department.