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- Jonas Linderoth
Jonas Linderoth
Unit for General Didactics and Pedagogic Work-
The limits of 'serious’ play : Frame disputes around
Jonas Linderoth, Adam Chapman, Sebastian Deterding
Sjöblom, Linderoth & Frank (Eds.) (2023). Representing Conflicts in Games Antagonism, Rivalry, and Competition. Routledge - 2023 -
Representing conflicts in games : Antagonism, rivalry, and
Björn Sjöblom, Jonas Linderoth, Anders Frank
2023 -
The inevitable relation between games and conflict: An
Jonas Linderoth, Björn Sjöblom
Sjöblom, Linderoth & Frank (Eds.) (2023). Representing Conflicts in Games Antagonism, Rivalry, and Competition. Routledge. - 2023 -
Wargames as reenactment : An ecological framework for the development of military games for
Adam Chapman, Jonas Linderoth
Sjöblom, Linderoth & Frank (Eds.) (2023). Representing Conflicts in Games Antagonism, Rivalry, and Competition. Routledge - 2023 -
Ekologisk psykologi - behovet av ett fininställt
Jonas Linderoth
Serder, M. & Jobér, A. (red.) (2021). Vetenskapliga teorier för lärare - 2021 -
Being an Educator and Game Developer: The Role of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Non-Commercial Serious Games
Jonas Linderoth, Björn Sjöblom
Simulation & Gaming - 2019 -
The politics problem in Four Square. Game design as a blind spot in the management of
Jonas Linderoth, Carl Heath, Jonas Ivarsson, Björn Sjöblom
Paper presented at The 15th annual Game Research Lab Spring Seminar 2019: Urban Play. 14-15 April. Tampere - 2019 -
Lärarens återkomst : från förvirring till upprättelse
Jonas Linderoth
Lärarens återkomst: från förvirring till upprättelse - 2017 -
Instructed spectatorship: Shoutcasters and Guided Vision in
Björn Sjöblom, Jonas Linderoth
Spectating Play. 13th Annual Game Research Lab Spring Seminar, 24-25th April 2017 - 2017 -
Flumpedagogik och marknadsstyrd skola – två sidor av samma
Jonas Linderoth
Skola och samhälle - 2017 -
Bok med makt att förändra
Jonas Linderoth
Pedagogiska Magasinet - 2017 -
Lärarens återkomst : från förvirring till
Jonas Linderoth
2016 -
”Det behövs en saklig pedagogisk
Jonas Linderoth
Pedagogiska Magasinet - 2016 -
Creating stories for a composite form: Video game design as frame
Jonas Linderoth
Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds - 2015 -
Dark Play: The Aesthetics of Controversial
Jonas Linderoth, Torill Elvira Mortensen
The Dark Side of Game Play: Controversial Issues in Playful Environments - 2015 -
Exploring the Limits of Play: A Case Study of Representations of Nazism in
Adam Chapman, Jonas Linderoth
The Dark Side of Game Play: Controversial Issues in Playful Environments - 2015 -
The Dark Side of Game Play: Controversial Issues in Playful
Toril Elvira Mortensen, Jonas Linderoth, Ashley ML Brown
2015 -
Chivalry, subordination and courtship culture: Being a ‘Woman’ in online
Jonas Linderoth, Elisabet Öhrn
Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds - 2014 -
Spel i skolan: Det regelstyrda lärandets
Jonas Linderoth
I A. Lantz-Andersson & R. Säljö (Red.) Lärare i den uppkopplade skolan - 2014 -
Should I stay or should I go? A Study of Pickup Groups in Left 4 Dead
Jonas Linderoth, Staffan Björk, Camilla Olsson
Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association - 2014 -
The Limits of Play in Game Narratives Concerning World War
Adam Chapman, Jonas Linderoth
European Studies in Symbolic Interaction; August 2013; Uppsala, Sweden - 2013 -
Why Games Tell Some Stories: An Ecological Approach to the Relation between Players and
Jonas Linderoth
International Conference on Narratives, 27-29 June, 2013. Manchester Metropolitan University, England. - 2013 -
The Limits of Play in Game Narratives Concerning World War
Jonas Linderoth
The IVth Conference of the European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, European Studies in Symbolic Interaction: Traditions, Contemporary Perspectives, and Challenges, 28-30 August, 2013. Uppsala, Sweden. - 2013 -
Superheroes, Greek gods and sport stars: Ecological empowerment as a ludo-narratological
Jonas Linderoth
In Mitgutsch, K. Huber, S., Wimmer, J., Wagner, H. G., & Rosenstingl, H. (Eds.) Context Matters! Proceedings of the Vienna Games Conference 2013:Exploring and Reframing Games and Play in Context. Vienna: New academic press - 2013 -
Games, sports and sport
Jonas Linderoth
In M. Consalvo, K. Mitgutsch & A. Stein (Eds.) Sports Videogames - 2013 -
Beyond the digital divide: An ecological approach to
Jonas Linderoth
Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association - 2013 -
The Effort of Being in a Fictional World: Upkeyings and Laminated Frames in
Jonas Linderoth
Symbolic interaction - 2012 -
Should I stay or should I go? Boundary maintaining mechanisms in Left 4 Dead
Jonas Linderoth, Staffan Björk, Camilla Olsson
Proceedings of DiGRA Nordic 2012 Conference: Local and Global: Games in Culture and Society - 2012 -
How gamers manage aggression: Situating skills in collaborative computer
Ulrika Bennerstedt, Jonas Ivarsson, Jonas Linderoth
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - 2012 -
Why gamers donʼt learn more: An ecological approach to games as learning
Jonas Linderoth
Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds - 2012 -
Gender in virtual courtships: The position as 'woman' in online
Jonas Linderoth, Elisabet Öhrn
Paper presented at the Gender and Education conference, Exeter, UK, April 27-29 - 2011 -
Beyond the digital divide: An ecological approach to
Jonas Linderoth
Think Design Play: The fifth international conference of the Digital Research Association (DIGRA) - 2011 -
Exploring anonymity in cooperative board
Jonas Linderoth
Think Design Play: The fifth international conference of the Digital Research Association (DIGRA) - 2011 -
The 'voice' of absent
Annika Lantz-Andersson, Jonas Linderoth
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy - 2011 -
Why gamers don’t learn more. An ecological approach to games as learning
Jonas Linderoth
Experiencing Games: Games, Play, and Players. First Nordic DiGRA, August 16-17, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden - 2010 -
Pick up groups as situated activity systems. Game design and social rules in Left 4 Dead
Staffan Björk, Jonas Linderoth
11th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), October 21-23, 2010, Göteborg. - 2010 -
Världen som spelplan - Gränsöverskridande i
What’s the problem? Meaning making and learning to do mathematical word problems in the context of digital
Annika Lantz-Andersson, Jonas Linderoth, Roger Säljö
Instructional Science - 2009 -
Hur datorspel kan ge en illusion av
Jonas Linderoth
Didaktisk design i digital miljö : nya möjligheter för lärande - 2009 -
Individ, teknik och
Jonas Linderoth
2009 -
Jakten på den försvunna verkligheten: Om hur spelare positionerar sig mot "det
Jonas Linderoth, Ulrika Bennerstedt
Individ, teknik och lärande - 2009 -
Vad är problemet? Kommunikation och lärande med digitala
Annika Lantz-Andersson, Jonas Linderoth, Roger Säljö
J. Linderoth (red.), Individ, teknik och lärande - 2009 -
Representations in practices. A sociocultural approach to multimodality in
Jonas Ivarsson, Jonas Linderoth, Roger Säljö
C. Jewitt (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis - 2009 -
"Its not hard, just requires that you have no life". Computer games and the illusion of
Jonas Linderoth
Digital kompetanse : nordic journal of digital literacy - 2009 -
The Spellbound Ones: Illuminating Everyday Collaborative Gaming Practices in a
Ulrika Bennerstedt, Jonas Linderoth
In C. O'Malley, D. Suthers, P. Reimann, A. Dimitracopoulou (Eds.), Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning - 2009 -
The struggle for immersion. Narrative re-framing in World of
Jonas Linderoth
Proceedings of the [player] conference - 2008 -
“In here I am pretty” – Onlinerollspel, stigma och
Jonas Linderoth, Roger Säljö
H. Rystedt & R. Säljö (Eds.), Kunskap och människans redskap: teknik och lärande - 2008 -
This is not a door: An ecological approach to computer
Jonas Linderoth, Ulrika Bennerstedt
Situated Play: Proceedings of DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) Conference 2007 (Tokyo, September 2007) - 2007 -
Att leva i World of Warcraft: Tio ungdomars tankar och
Jonas Linderoth, Ulrika Bennerstedt
2007 -
Drömmen om pedagogikens
Jonas Linderoth
Datorn i utbildningen - 2007 -
Besjälade spelpjäser. Avataren som rollredskap och
Jonas Linderoth
J. Linderoth. Datorspelandets dynamik. Lekar och roller i en digital kultur - 2007 -
Datorspelandets dynamik : lekar och roller i en digital
Jonas Linderoth
2007 -
Living in World of Warcraft: The thoughts and experiences of ten young
Jonas Linderoth, Ulrika Bennerstedt
2007 -
Bland gnomer och
Jonas Linderoth
Pedagogiska magasinet - 2006 -
Animated game pieces, avatars as roles, tools and
Jonas Linderoth
Proceedings of the {player} conference - 2005 -
Gaming and identity: Rethinking the player avatar
Jonas Linderoth
Paper presented at the Conference The Virtual - A room without borders ? - 2005 -
Learning with computer
Jonas Linderoth, Berner Lindström, Mikael Alexandersson
J. Goldstein, D. Buckingham & G. Brougere (Eds.), Toys, games and media - 2004 -
The meaning of gaming. Beyond interactive illusions and perfect
Jonas Linderoth
Paper presented at the 35th ISAGA conference - 2004 -
Datorspelandets mening : bortom idén om den interaktiva
Jonas Linderoth
2004 -
Datorspel rör ingen till
Jonas Linderoth
Pedagogiska Magasinet - 2004 -
Electronic Exaggerations and Virtual Worries – Mapping research of computer games relevant to the understanding of children’s game
Jonas Linderoth, Annika Lantz-Andersson, Berner Lindström
Contempory Issues in Early Childhood - 2002 -
Utm@ningar och e-frestelser. IT och skolans
Kreativitet, informationsteknik och
Jonas Linderoth
Säljö, R. & Linderoth, J. (Eds.) Utm@ningar och e-frestelser. IT och skolans lärkultur - 2002 -
Datorspel, lärande och
Jonas Linderoth
Paper presenterat på NFPF2001 - 2001 -
Bland barn och datorer: Om lärandets villkor i mötet med nya
Mikael Alexandersson, Jonas Linderoth, Rigmor Lindö
2001 -
Children experiencing spatial relations in the virtual
Jonas Linderoth
Paper presenterat på i3net spring days, Aten (Mars 2000) - 2000 -
"Dra den dit och lägg den där!" En studie om barns möten med datorn i
Mikael Alexandersson, Jonas Linderoth, Rigmor Lindö