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- Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Senior Lecturer
Department of Education and Special Education-
Data-driven Educational Practices: On Access, Transparency, and the Value-creation of
Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Framing Futures in Postdigital Education: Critical Concepts for Data-driven Practices, Eds. Anders Buch, Ylva Lindberg & Teresa Cerratto Pargman - 2024 -
Samverkan för utveckling av simulatorstödd undervisning i
Susanne Gustavsson, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Malin Bergsten, Gunnar Laurell, Lillevi Svensson
2024 -
Förberedd för anställning? Yrkesutbildningens uppdrag och branschens
Susanne Gustavsson, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Malin Bergsten, Lillevi Svensson, Gunnar Laurell
Cultural-linguistic diversity in Italy and Sweden? A sociomaterial analysis of policies for heritage language
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Barbara Gross
Intercultural Education - 2024 -
From doing to learning: Students’ self-evaluation and reflective practices in
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Susanne Gustavsson
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2024 -
To grade or not to grade? Mapping students’ progress outside the formal
Torbjörn Ott, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Amanda Terlevic, Pernilla Schagerlind, Julia Eskilsson
International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) - 2024 -
Methodological explorations of the study of access, inclusion and participation in and across digital/physical space and time
Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Crina Damşa, Antti Rajala, Giuseppe Ritella, Jasperina Brouwer (Eds.), Re-theorising Learning and Research Methods in Learning Research - 2023 -
Screening av barn mot gängkriminalitet: ett tomtebloss i
Sverker Lindblad, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Monica Reichenberg, Katarina Samuelsson
Skola och samhälle - 2023 -
Politics in Education from a Praxis perspective: HE as a facilitator for equity and transformation in post-pandemic
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Adrianna Nizinska, Katarina Samuelsson, Helena Wallström
Round table at Praxis symposium IV: Higher education in post-pandemic times – (re)orienting transformation through praxis. Gothenburg 16-18 May, 2022 - 2022 -
School lockdown? Comparative analyses of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in European
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Inger Berndtsson, Elsi-Brith Jodal, Anders Lindqvist, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Caroline Runesdotter, Katarina Samuelsson, Jonas Udd, Martina Wyszynska Johansson
European Educational Research Journal - 2021 -
Gatekeepers and gatekeeping. On participation and marginalisation in everyday
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Lars Almén
Accessibility Denied. Understanding Inaccessibility and Everyday Resistance to Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities - 2021 -
Equity and social justice for whom and by whom in contemporary higher education. Mapping policies of inclusion/integration in the nation-state of
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo
Forskning om högre utbildning, Örebro universitet, 19-20 maj, 2021 - 2021 -
Transitions in Higher Education for Migrant Students: Academic Language Support in Italy and
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Alessio Surian
EARLI conference 2021 Theme: Education and citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures. University of Gothenburg - 2021 -
Widening participation? (Re)searching institutional pathways in higher education for migrant students - The cases of Sweden and
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Alessio Surian
Frontline Learning Research - 2021 -
On studying peoples’ participation across contemporary timespaces: Disentangling analytical
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Outlines. Critical Practice Studies - 2021 -
Walking on the edge: Educational praxis in higher
Lill Langelotz, Kathleen Mahon, Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Learning and Teaching - 2020 -
Equity and social justice for whom and by whom in contemporary Swedish higher and adult
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo
Learning and teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences - 2020 -
Widening participation? (Re)searching institutional pathways in higher education for transnational students - The cases of Sweden and
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Alessio Surian
Praxis symposium III, 5-6th October, Academic professional and student responsibility for a world worth living in, University of Borås - 2020 -
Digitala körsimulatorer i yrkesutbildning: Utmaningar och
Susanne Gustavsson, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Ingrid Berglund
Nordic Journal och Vocational Education and Training - 2020 -
Widening participation? Institutional pathways in higher education for migrant
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Alessio Surian
Paper, SIG10, 21, 25 Conference, 1-3 July, 2020, EARLI - 2020 -
Editorial: Technology-mediated learning in VET – Perspectives on changing educational landscapes in the 21 st
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Susanne Gustavsson, Ingrid Berglund
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2020 -
On the quest to “go beyond” a bounded view of language. Research in the intersections of the Educational Sciences, Language Studies and Deaf Studies domains
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta
Deafness and Education International - 2019 -
Virtual sites as learning spaces: Critical issues on languaging research in changing
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Ylva Lindberg
2019 -
Design principles for on-line master level courses: Expanding access and flexibility through digitally mediated education across the
Sylvi Vigmo, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Lars Almén
28th World Conference on Online Learning, 3-7 Nov, Dublin, Ireland - 2019 -
Investigating the (im)permeable membrane of virtual sites for learning: critical
Giulia Messina Dahlberg
EARLI biannual conference, 12-16 August Aachen, Germany. Book of abstracts, s. 211 - 2019 -
Equity and social justice for whom and by whom in contemporary higher education - Mapping policies of inclusion and integration in the nation-state of
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo
Praxis in Higher Education - With a focus on the Nordic context, 22-24 May, University of Borås - 2019 -
Goals, challenges and achievements in collaboration between the global South and the global North: Co-creating and developing global, digitally mediated education for teacher training
Ylva Lindberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Praxis in Higher Education - With a focus on the Nordic Context, 22-24 May, University of Borås - 2019 -
On Epistemological Issues in Technologically Infused spaces. Notes on Virtual Sites for
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Virtual Sites as Learning Spaces. Critical Issues on Languaging Research in Changing Eduscapes. Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Ylva Lindberg (red.) - 2019 -
Handling languaging during empirical research. Ethnography as action in and across time and physical-virtual
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Annaliina Gynne
Virtual Sites as Learning Spaces. Critical Issues on Languaging Research in Changing Eduscapes. Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Ylva Lindberg (red.) - 2019 -
Meaning-making or heterogeneity in the areas of language and identity? The case of translanguaging and nyanlända (newly-arrived) across time and
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg
International Journal of Multilingualism - 2018 -
A broader participation - Research issues and challenges related to transitions and inclusions in and across educational settings, Special Interest Group
Sangeeta Bagga Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sylvi Vigmo, Johan Malmqvist, Alberto Montebelli
15-16 Maj, Forskning om högre utbildning, Lunds universitet - 2018 -
Widening participation through digitalization? Research issues and challenges related to transitions and inclusion in and across educational
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sangeeta Bagga Gupta, Sylvi Vigmo
Praxis in Higher Education, 27-28 Sept, University of Borås - 2018 -
Digitaliseringens utmaningar och möjligheter för undervisningen - exemplet körsimulering i
Ingrid Berglund, Susanne Gustavsson, Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Nordyrk 2018, 11-13 juni Oslo, OsloMet - 2018 -
Reframing HRI Education: A Dialogic Reformulation of HRI Education to Promote Diverse Thinking and Scientific
Alberto Montebelli, Jessica Lindblom, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Erik Billing
Journal of Human-Robot-Interaction - 2017 -
A Multivocal Approach in the Analysis of Online Dialogue in the Language- focused Classroom in Higher
Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Educational Technology & Society - 2017 -
Mapping languaging in digital spaces. Literacy practices at
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta
Language Learning & Technology - 2016 -
Disabling and enabling technologies for learning in Higher Education for all: Issues and challenges for
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Ylva Winther
Informatics - 2016 -
Learning on-the-go in institutional telecollaboration: Anthropological perspectives on the boundaries of digital
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta
CALICO monograph series for 2015 on the theme: Researching Language Learning Interaction online: from Social Media to MOOCs. - 2015 -
Understanding glocal learning spaces. An empirical study of languaging and transmigrant positions in the virtual
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta
Learning, Media and Technology - 2014 -
Communication in the virtual classroom in higher education: Languaging beyond the boundaries of time and
Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction - 2013