
Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin

Senior Lecturer

Department of Political Science
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

About Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin

Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin, senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies, is doctor of philosophy in political science.

Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin has extensive experience of teaching and research in both political science and teacher education with a special focus in the areas of political philosophy and social studies. Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin is part of the research group "Politics in Education", where she works with research on how ideas on education interact with political ideologies and how this has influenced democratic and societal change in Sweden 1960-2000.

From January 2018 until August 2022, Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin held a position at the University of Gothenburg as Deputy Vice-Chancellor with strategic responsibility for collaboration and was then appointed as Advisor to Vice-Chancellors for Specific Collaboration Issues until August 2022. Previous management assignments include Head of the Department of Applied Information Technology at Chalmers / Gothenburg University, Head of the Department of Political Science and Vice Dean with responsibility for education at the Faculty of Education, University of Gothenburg. Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin is a boardmember of Folkuniversitetet Väst and the Torgny Segerstedts Minne Foundation.

As Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for collaboration, Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin convened the Vice Chancellors working group of forming the University of Gothenburg's vision for 2021-2030 "A University for the World". The assignment as Deputy Vice-Chancellor also included responsibility for Gothenburg University's strategic development of education, research and collaboration in the field of AI and digitalisation, where Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin took the initiative to form the Coordination Group for AI and Digitalisation (SAID). 2019 - 2022 Fredrika Lagergren Wahlin chaired a national working group for digitalisation within the Swedish Association of Universities and University Colleges (SUHF).