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- Erik Malmqvist
Erik Malmqvist
Senior Lecturer
Philosophy and Logic unitAbout Erik Malmqvist
I am a senior lecturer in practical philosophy at the Univeristy of Gothenburg since August 2018. I was previously a lecturer/senior lecturer at Linköping University (2012-2018) and a postdoc at Université Paris Descartes (2010-2012) and Karolinska Institutet (2009-2010). I completed my PhD at Linköping University in 2008 on a dissertation on the ethics of selective reproduction. Associate professor (docent) of medical ethics since 2013.
Research I conduct research on various topics in applied ethics and moral and political philosophy. I am especially interested in ethical issues related to healthcare, medical research, and public health. Questions addressed by my research include:
- Is it morally acceptable to offer people money in exchange for donating a kidney?
- What (if anything) is morally problematic about testing new drugs on people in low- and middle income countries with limited access to healthcare?
- What does it mean to exploit a person? And what (if anything) makes exploitation morally wrong?
My research currently focuses on the ethical challenges that arise when society tries to deal with the growing problem of antibiotics resistance. I am active in the Centre for Antibiotic Resistance Research (CARe) since 2018.
Teaching I teach applied ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of law at undergraduate level and supervise at master’s and doctoral level. I have previously taught most areas of practical philosophy and I have large experience of teaching ethics to students in medicine and other health sciences.
More information Erik on Academia.edu Erik on Twitter
Anders Herlitz, Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe
Antibiotikaresistens – hur går vi från forskning till praktik, produkter och policy? Vetenskapsrådet, Stockholm, 6 februari, 2025 - 2025 -
Cooperative activity, shared intention, and
Olle Blomberg, Erik Malmqvist
Ethics - 2024 -
Bör individualiserad utbildning för läkarstudenter
Jenny Lindberg, Sam Polesie, Marit Karlsson, Erik Malmqvist, Goran Mijaljica
Läkartidningen - 2024 -
‘Green’ bioethics widens the scope of eligible values and overrides patient demand: comment on
Anders Herlitz, Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2023 -
Pharmaceutical Pollution from Human use and the Polluter Pays
Erik Malmqvist, Davide Fumagalli, Christian Munthe, D. G. Joakim Larsson
Public Health Ethics - 2023 -
Exploitation in the gig
Erik Malmqvist, Andras Szigeti
Public Ethics Blog - 2023 -
Exploitation in biomedical
Erik Malmqvist
Handbook of Bioethical Decisions, Volume II. Scientific Integrity and Institutional Ethics / Erick Valdés, Juan Alberto Lecaros (eds.) - 2023 -
Etik på nya läkarprogrammet – nationell målbeskrivning
Sam Polesie, Jenny Lindberg, Saima Diderichsen, Ulrik Kihlbom, Niklas Juth, Marit Karlsson, Erik Malmqvist, Goran Mijaljica, Jessica Nihlén Fahlquist, Lars Sandman, David Sundemo, Helena Walfridsson
Läkartidningen - 2023 -
”Gymnasieelever bör studera
Håkan Salvén, Sama Agahi, Åsa Wikforss, Per Bauhn, Martin Berzell, John Cantwell, Thomas Hartvigsson, Gert Helgesson, Lars Lindblom, Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe, Elin Palm, Susanna Radovic, Fredrik Stjernberg, Per Sundström, Marco Tiozzo
Svenska dagbladet - 2023 -
Non-prescription acquisition of antibiotics: Prevalence, motives, pathways and explanatory factors in the Swedish
Christian Munthe, Erik Malmqvist, Björn Rönnerstrand
PLoS ONE - 2022 -
Socio-cultural determinants of antibiotic resistance: a qualitative study of Greeks’ attitudes, perceptions and
Dimitrios Papadimou, Erik Malmqvist, Mirko Ancillotti
BMC Public Health - 2022 -
Sofia Bonicalzi, Erik Malmqvist
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice - 2022 -
Sustainable healthcare resource allocation, grounding theories and operational principles: response to our
Christian Munthe, Davide Fumagalli, Erik Malmqvist
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2022 -
Balancing health and environmental impact in antibiotic resistance
Christian Munthe, Erik Malmqvist
16th World Congress of Bioethics, University of Basel, July 20-22, 2022 - 2022 -
Global Health Impact: Extending Access to Essential Medicines, Nicole Hassoun. Oxford University Press, 2020, xv + 301
Erik Malmqvist
Economics and Philosophy - 2021 -
Exploitation and Remedial
Erik Malmqvist, Andras Szigeti
Journal of Applied Philosophy - 2021 -
Några moraliska frågor om
Erik Malmqvist, Andras Szigeti
Svensk filosofi - 2021 -
Clinical trials of germline gene editing: The exploitation
Erik Malmqvist
Bioethics - 2021 -
Sustainability principle for the ethics of healthcare resource
Christian Munthe, Davide Fumagalli, Erik Malmqvist
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2021 -
Antibiotikaresistens och socialismens
Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi - 2021 -
What High-Income States Should Do to Address Industrial Antibiotic
Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe
Public Health Ethics - 2020 -
Healthcare must stop ignoring future
Christian Munthe, Davide Fumagalli, Erik Malmqvist
Journal of Medical Ethics Blog - 2020 -
Response to Open Peer Commentaries on "'Paid to Endure': Paid Research Participation, Passivity, and the Goods of
Erik Malmqvist
The American journal of bioethics : AJOB - 2019 -
Exploitation and joint
Erik Malmqvist, Andras Szigeti
Journal of social philosophy - 2019 -
What do we owe the victims of
Erik Malmqvist, Andras Szigeti
Justice everywhere: a blog about philosophy in public affairs - 2019 -
"Paid to Endure": Paid Research Participation, Passivity, and the Goods of
Erik Malmqvist
The American journal of bioethics : AJOB - 2019 -
Ethical aspects of medical age assessment in the asylum process: a Swedish
Erik Malmqvist, Elisabeth Furberg, Lars Sandman
International journal of legal medicine - 2018 -
Yrken med
Erik Malmqvist
Modern filosofi - 2017 -
Replik till Marcus Agnafors: ‘En rimlig
Erik Malmqvist
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi - 2017 -
Heracles or Icarus: mythological references in the enhancement
Trijsje Franssen, Erik Malmqvist
Future-human.life - 2017 -
Jordens fattiga som
Erik Malmqvist
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi - 2017 -
Better to exploit than to neglect? International clinical research and the non-worseness
Erik Malmqvist
Journal of Applied Philosophy - 2017 -
Åldersbedömning inom ramen för asylprocessen - en etisk
Lars Sandman, Lisa Furberg, Erik Malmqvist
2016 -
Introduction: bodily exchanges in
Erik Malmqvist, Kristin Zeiler
Bodily Exchanges, Bioethics and Border Crossing: Perspectives on Giving, Selling and Sharing Bodies - 2016 -
Conclusion: bodily exchanges as
Erik Malmqvist, Kristin Zeiler
Bodily Exchanges, Bioethics and Border Crossing: Perspectives on Giving, Selling and Sharing Bodies - 2016 -
International clinical research and the problem of benefiting from
Erik Malmqvist
Bodily Exchanges, Bioethics and Border Crossing: Perspectives on Giving, Selling and Sharing Bodies - 2016 -
Bodily exchanges, bioethics and border
Erik Malmqvist, Kristin Zeiler
2016 -
Does the ethical appropriateness of paying donors depend on what body parts they
Erik Malmqvist
Medicine, health care, and philosophy - 2016 -
Ansvar bör även läggas på
Christian Munthe, Linus Broström, Bengt Brülde, Daniela Cutas, Stefan Eriksson, Mats Johansson, Niklas Juth, Ulrik Kihlbom, Erik Malmqvist, Lars Sandman, Kristin Zeiler
Svenska Dagbladet, SvD.se - 2016 -
Efter skandalen: ”Gråzoner sätt att blanda bort
Christian Munthe, Linus Broström, Bengt Brülde, Daniela Cutas, Stefan Eriksson, Gert Helgesson, Niklas Juth, Ulrik Kihlbom, Erik Malmqvist, Lars Sandman, Kristin Zeiler, Mats Johansson
Svenska Dagbladet, Svd.se, 2016-03-10 - 2016 -
Kidney Sales and the Analogy with Dangerous
Erik Malmqvist
Health Care Analysis - 2015 -
Review of Clinical Labour: Tissue Donors and Research Subjects in the Global Bioeconomy (M. Cooper & C. Waldby, Duke UP,
Erik Malmqvist
Medicine, Health care and Philosophy - 2014 -
Phenomenology, cosmetic surgery and
Erik Malmqvist
Feminist Phenomenology and Medicine - 2014 -
The right to participate in high-risk
Erik Malmqvist
Lancet (London, England) - 2014 -
A Further Lesson From Existing Kidney
Erik Malmqvist
American Journal of Bioethics - 2014 -
Reproductive choice, enhancement, and the moral continuum
Erik Malmqvist
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (United Kingdom) - 2014 -
Are bans on kidney sales unjustifiably
Erik Malmqvist
Bioethics - 2014 -
Taking advantage of
Erik Malmqvist
Social Theory and Practice - 2013 -
Trading hair, trading cadaver tissue: On the ethics of commodifying bodily sacrifices and
Erik Malmqvist
The Body as Gift, Resource and Commodity - 2012 -
Just implementation of human papillomavirus
Erik Malmqvist, Kari Natunen, Matti Lehtinen, Gert Helgesson
Journal of medical ethics - 2012 -
Erik Malmqvist
IRB - 2012 -
Early stopping of clinical trials: charting the ethical
Erik Malmqvist, Niklas Juth, Niels Lynöe, Gert Helgesson
Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal - 2011 -
Reprogenetics and the "parents have always done it"
Erik Malmqvist
The Hastings Center report - 2011 -
The ethics of implementing human papillomavirus vaccination in developed
Erik Malmqvist, Gert Helgesson, Johannes Lehtinen, Kari Natunen, Matti Lehtinen
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy - 2011 -
Erik Malmqvist
IRB - 2011 -
Cultural norms, the phenomenology of incorporation and the experience of having a child born with ambiguous
Erik Malmqvist, Kristin Zeiler
Social Theory and Practice - 2010 -
Reproductive technologies and the question of the child’s future
Erik Malmqvist
Ethics, Law and Society, vol. IV - 2009 -
Good parents, better babies: An argument about reproductive technologies, enhancement and
Erik Malmqvist
2008 -
Back to the future: Habermas's The Future of Human
Erik Malmqvist
The Hastings Center report - 2007 -
Analysing our qualms about "designing" future persons: autonomy, freedom of choice, and interfering with
Erik Malmqvist
Medicine, health care, and philosophy - 2007 -
Arvsmassan som nationell
Erik Malmqvist
Axess - 2006 -
The notion of health and the morality of genetic
Erik Malmqvist
Medicine, health care, and philosophy - 2006 -
Transeminariet 2004: begreppet
Erik Malmqvist, Per Peetz Nielsen
Svensk veterinärtidning - 2004