
Anna Nordenstam


Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
412 55 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Anna Nordenstam


Anna Nordenstam, born 1965, PhD 2001, Senior Lecturer in Comparative Literature 2004, Associate Professor 2010, Professor of Comparative Literature 2019. Chair of Literary Studies and Theatre Studies.

From 2014 to 2020, I was Professor of Swedish Education and Chair at Luleå University of Technology (half-time) and Visiting Professor in 2021. I was a visiting scholar at the Cambridge-Homerton Research and Teaching Centre for Children's Literature, University of Cambridge, from 2013 to 2014 (6 months).

Research interests:

* Feminist comics, graphic novels and zines

* Children's and young adult literature

* Literature didactics and education, and literary reading

* Feminist magazines

by * Literary historiography

* Modern fiction, intersectionality, queer, class, ethnicity

* Letters

Ongoing research:

Project leader: Comics (Fan)Zines (funded by the Ridderstad Foundation for Historical Graphic Research) 2024–2026

Project participants: Nordic Comics and Mental Heath Developing Learning Resources for Teacher Training Programmes, (funded by Nordplus Higher Education) (project leader Adriana Margareta Dancus, University of South-Eastern Norway) 2024- 2025

Project leader: Sara Granér's comic art (funded by Adlerbertska forskningsstiftelsen) 2024-2025

Project: Feminist Swedish Comics and Cartoons 1968–2024 (with Margareta Wallin Wictorin)

Anthology project ‘Literature reading in primary school’ (together with Kristina Hermansson)

Recently finalised projects:

Project leader for ‘Feminist Swedish comics as a medium for political activism and critique’, funded by the Swedish Research Council 2019-2022 (Project participants: Margareta Wallin Wictorin, Karlstad University, Mike Frangos Linnaeus University, Maria Margareta Österholm Stockholm University and Kristy Beers Fägersten, Södertörn University).

Project participants in the research project: ‘A multidisciplinary study of feminist comic art’, funded by the Baltic Sea Foundation 2018-2022 (Project leader Kristy Beers Fägersten, Södertörn).

Project: "Norm crit. Reading fiction in preschool’ (together with Associate Prof. Kristina Hermansson, GU)

Project: ‘Easy Reading?. A study about easy readers young people ( together with Professor Christina Olin-Scheller, Karlstad University.

Project: ‘Reading challenging texts. Reading literature on the IB programme in Sweden (together with Associate Prof. Maritha Johansson, Linköping University).


Editor of Barnelitterært forskningstidskrift (BLFT)/Nordic Journal of Child lit Aesthics

Board member and main supervisor in the National graduate school CuEEd-LL - Culturally Empowering Education through Language and Literature, funded by the Swedish Research Council 2021-2026.

Research leader for the theme Learning, Text and Language (LTS) at the graduate school CUL - Centre for Educational Research and the Teaching Profession and supervisor.

Board member of NNFF - Nordic Network for First Language EducationSKAPA, Finland 2023-2025 project

Ordinary member of the steering group for the research infrastructure KvinnSam, Gothenburg University Library

Scientific external evaluator for SKAPA, Finland 2023-2025, project funded by the Swedish Cultural Foundation.

Editorial Board of the Journal of European Periodicals Studies

2017-2025 Board member of Svensklärarföreningen

2017-2025 Editorial Board member of Svenskläraren. A magazine for Swedish language and literature teaching

2014-2023 Member of the Ethical Review Authority

2019-2021 Member of the Swedish Research Council's review panel for subject didactics.

2015-2021 Board representative in the research network Swedish with a didactic focus (SMDI)

2013-2014 Coordinator of the research network Swedish with a didactic focus in Gothenburg (SMDI)

Teaching and supervision:

Teaches and supervises from A-level to master/doctoral level in literary studies and in teacher education.