
Master's Programme in Geography

Master’s programme
2 years
120 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 256 000 SEK
First payment: 64 000 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed

Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 256 000 SEK
First payment: 64 000 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed


The Master's Programme in Geography gives you the tools and expertise to work on complex geographical problems in modern society. The programme offers a wide range of options and you will be able to pursue your own interests. This include advanced courses in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and focus on urban and environmental geography.


Our Master’s Programme combines Physical and Human Geography to explore Geography’s role in modern society. Whether you’re interested in Geographical Information Systems, human rights, climate change, or city planning and resource distribution, you will develop the skills necessary to address future challenges with this modern science.

Most of planet Earth's population now live and work in urban areas, and business and production are increasingly concentrated in urban regions. But how do such structural transformations articulate and influence people’s lives and environments, short- and long-range resource chains, and land and resource use? The task of achieving sustainable urban futures requires prioritizing holistic thinking. Geography—bridging the social and natural sciences—is particularly suited to such a challenge.

Focusing on modern needs

In the Master's Programme in Geography, we strive to pursue a balanced consideration of both Physical and Human Geography that deals with global change and sustainable development. You will have the opportunity to explore the interdisciplinary elements of Geography while still focusing on your specific interests.

In addition to the freedom to choose elective courses, our programme addresses the increasing use of computer-aided mapping in many Earth Science research questions by offering advanced courses in Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing tools.

Career-oriented training

The programme aims to provide you with sufficient expertise to work independently with complex geographical problems and carry out advanced evaluation and planning in the fields of sustainable urban development and urban-rural relations, including between cities and regions. We provide specialized competency in specific thematic areas depending on your desired focus, such as:

•    urban sustainability
•    topics such as land issues, mobility, planning, climate and globalization;
•    and methods, including Geographical Information Systems

The programme’s breadth and practice in analytical proficiency in questions of urbanization make you attractive both for the job market and PhD positions. We also emphasize fieldwork, and you have the opportunity to independently find an internship or study abroad, both of which provide practical experience and the chance to build a strong skillset.


The Master's programme in Geography has a strong connection to both current research in the field and the labour market. This is something our students benefit from. Your studies will consist of lectures, laboratory sessions, excursions, group exercises, seminars, practical studies in the field, as well as your own projects.

The programme is conducted in English. A large part of the course literature is in English.  

Programme structure and content

The first semester consists of four mandatory courses:

  • Urban Sustainable Development
  • History of Ideas and Theory in Geography
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Urban Climate and Climate Planning

During the next two semesters, you can choose elective courses from a wide selection or opt to do an internship or study abroad for one semester. Depending on your focus, we offer specialist competency and knowledge in sustainable development relating to urban issues in a wider geographical context with possible focus on: 

  • Urban sustainability
  • Sustainable mobility
  • Qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Geographical Information Systems

Your final thesis is completed within a corresponding course, so you will have group support during the process. We recommend that fieldwork be incorporated, and can be linked to a workplace in Sweden or abroad.

More information about programme structure and content

Who should apply?

Are you interested in the interplay between human and physical geography and the role this plays in areas such as environmental science, climate change, city planning, sustainability, or resource distribution?

Are you concerned with how climate change and human rights and social justice issues are creating complex challenges for the future?

Would you like to further your studies in Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing tools with courses and a focused thesis?

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree in the main field of geography (180 credits) including a minimum of 15 credits in GIS (Geographical Information Systems). Applicants with an equivalent education can after assessment be admitted to the programme.

Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6/English B from Swedish Upper Secondary School or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS.

Other entry requirements are documented in the respective course syllabi.

Assessment of qualifications


Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits.

After graduation

Graduates of the programme receive the degree Master of Science in Geography.

Our graduates are attractive to employers. They work in positions such as environmental consultants and coordinators, GIS engineers and consultants, cartographic consultants, and city planning consultants and coordinators.


The Department of Earth Sciences' premises are located in central Gothenburg on Campus Medicinareberget. We are located in the Natrium building, which was inaugurated in 2023 and has state-of-the-art labs and lecture halls. Natrium brings together students and researchers in the Natural Science fields of Biology, Molecular biology, Chemistry, Marine Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences and Conservation.

More information about facilities

Exchange opportunities

You have the possibility to choose to study abroad.