
Global Gender Studies: Perspectives on Sex and Gender

Bachelor’s level
15 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 23 000 SEK
First payment: 23 000 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed


The course is an introduction to gender issues in a global perspective. Apply for courses in global gender studies if you aim to specialize in challenges related to gender issues.


The course is an introduction to gender issues in a global perspective. You will become familiar with theories and concepts that can be used to understand and interpret sex and gender in a globalised world. We introduce and explore key concepts in gender studies, such as sex, gender, feminism, masculinity/femininity, queer, trans, heteronormativity and intersectionality. You will also give you an overview of the academic disciplines that have formulated and studied these concepts and how these subjects have related to development and globalisation processes.

The teaching in Global Gender Studies takes the form of lectures and seminars. In the seminars you
will get the opportunity to deepen your understanding and let your views
be confronted with the perspectives of other students. A fundamental
part of the courses' design is continuous writing assignments, which
give you an opportunity to develop your own thinking and writing. The
courses are held in English with both Swedish and international

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

General entrance requirements


Selection is based upon average grade from upper secondary school (34 %), the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits (33 %) and Högskoleprovet - Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (33 %).

After graduation

Global studies is especially suitable for those who aspire to a
career in occupational fields dealing with global challenges to social,
economic and ecological sustainability. Apply for courses in global
gender studies if you aim to specialize in challenges related to gender
issues. The courses are also suitable for those who want to add
competence relating to gender and globalisation to their education in
other fields.