
The use of rental labor

Research project
Inactive research
Project size
1 600 000
Project period
2012 - 2014
Project owner
Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap


Short description

Scope, motives and explanations for why employers use rental labor in a comparative perspective.

Hiring of labor is a very topical but contentious issue. The research available on the extent of hiring and employers' motives for this was done when the staffing industry was still fairly new in Sweden. Today, hiring is an institutionalized staffing alternative but also debated with strong political differences of opinion. There is therefore a great need for research that examines what the hiring actually looks like and that explains how the hiring affects the labor market.

The purpose is to analyze the use of rental labor in Sweden in 2002 and 2012. The development in Sweden is also compared to the UK where hiring is more common and where labor market legislation is significantly more liberal.