
TEKLA 2030: Effects from transport infrastructure on cultural heritage and landscape

Research project
Inactive research
Project period
2020 - 2022
Project owner
Department of Conservation

Short description

The project aims to answer: what effects does transport infrastructure have on cultural heritage and landscape? There is not just one answer to this, since involved actors handle the issue in different ways. In consequence efficiency problems occur, ranging from permits, procurement and implementation. The project results is expected to meet several of the strategic needs at the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish National Heritage Board. The research team is multidisciplinary (academia, government, companies) and cover all three sustainability pillars. Methods used are in particular text and interview studies.


Project leader:
Hans Antonsson, KMV forum

Project members:
Mia Björckebaum, KMV forum

Carl-Johan Sanglert, County Administrative Board in Jönköping

Susanne Fredholm, WSP Göteborg