Picture of Sandra Díaz in garden
Photo: Secretaría de Modernización

Seminar with Sandra Díaz: Working interdisciplinary with biodiversity

Sustainability and environment
Society and economy

At the University of Gothenburg and at Chalmers University of Technology the disciplinary boundaries when it comes to biodiversity research, are still quite solid. Hence, there is a potential for improving cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration. A key question for this seminar is therefore: How can interdisciplinary work on biodiversity be improved in Gothenburg - challenges, hurdles and promising examples? The progress of interdisciplinary approaches, concepts and modes of working in the work of IPBES could serve as a role model and stimulate further development of fruitful and innovative interaction in biodiversity research.

20 Oct 2020
12:45 - 15:00
Webinar in Zoom

Sandra Díaz
Marie Stenseke
Good to know
Who is it for?
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology with an interest in interdisciplinary work and biodiversity.

Open as well for other researchers, students and other stakeholders.

Key note speaker:
Sandra Díaz, Professor of Community and Ecosystem Ecology at Córdoba National University and co-chair of IPBES Global assessment. Díaz has a long-term interest in interdisciplinary work. She has had a prominent role in leading interdisciplinary processes in IPBES, such as the IPBES conceptual framework and the evolution of the concept Nature¿s contributions to people. Sandra Díaz has been awarded a number of international distinctions. She has previously served in leading positions in e.g. the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and in Future Earth. The journal Nature listed Díaz as one of the ten people who mattered in science in 2019.

Marie Stenseke, Deputy dean at the School of Business, Economics and Law, and Co-chair of IPBES multidisciplinary expert panel.